Drowning - Chapter 1 - Part 1

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They have hurt me so many time as I take all their bullshit over and over again as they stab their lying and betraying daggers into me repeatedly over and over again

I knew this whole time they where using me and I let them, like the fool I am making me think its all okay, that everything is going to be fine again, that they are going act kind to me all over again, which only happens for a week before it happens again

The law straw was when I found out they weren't only using me for my fame or trying to control to as they all make me fight for this war that I never asked to take part in, was just told this was what was expected of me as soon as I stepped into the magical world at the again of eleven

I expected to finally understand my parents to only then find out I was only planned for a prophecy which has already been completed but they still expect me to continue with it all even though it all been completed, so reallt nothing really should be expected of me any more

They are now stealing my money, well they had been this whole time since day one, hermione much later on with only becoming friends a few weeks in while the Weasley had been taking it since my parents died as they allowed them too even given them signature to do so, well they did to Dumbledore not them and as long as they take a piece of paper that says Dumbledore has allowed them to access my accounts then it's all hip and dandy for them to do so

Well I am getting that all sorted. I found this all out tonight by using the invisibility cloak which that and my map has been going missing but I have been hiding it from from since finding out, they asked me but I just said I didn't want anyone finding it so put it somewhere no one could find it. After them smacking me about and kicking me in the stomach, they finally gave up and went on with life

They remind me of my uncle but my uncle was so much worse. My uncle pain caused me to stuck my mouth much earlier in life. I learned to lie easily and to get away with alot of stuff, a beating I didn't mind as I eventually got so used to it, it became a numbing pleasurable feelings over the years since it started happening at the age of four when I burnt the egg as I burnt my hand which made my uncle have a big wide grin on his face with his wife, my aunt the same by his side, that's when they decided on starting beatings because no other punishment worked on me

I unfortunately like I said gotten used to it, so my supposed friends and the headmaster beatings have never worked on me. Ginny even went far as tieing me down and raping me when there beatings wasn't working, I just layed there still the whole time with no reaction, I didn't even cum either which she beat the shit out of me because of with excepting to get pregnant with my baby for their likings, she tried a few more times after that but nothing, she wasn't getting anything from me, so she give up as well

I sit up looking around the room seeing Ron and the rest are sound asleep. I smirk having a idea in my head, as I have something to cover the other boys mouth, with tieing his hands behind his back and a rope around this ankle. I put a silencing charm around him as I put him out of his bed from the bottom making sense hit his head on the wood at the end of the bed, which got a groan from his as I can hear him but other can't

I drag him down the stairs with his screaming for help but no one was coming like no one ever die for me. I notice Neville sitting in the common room which is weird because I thought he was in bed

He turned to look right as me, then at Ron before giving me a nod before turning back to the fire where he was sitting there reading a book that from here could see pictures of plants in it

I did say no one helped me but he tried to in the past but he would get hurt too, as well as get into trouble by the headmaster who ended up telling his Grandma or aunt or whoever looks after the poor boy, he apparently got into loads of trouble as Dumbledore made a load of shit up to get into trouble

I dragged him down the halls until I got to the other secret entrance, going down and down until I see the statue, using my talented snake speaking skill to open it up

My smirk widens when Ron eyes are bulging towards the dead Basilisk that layed within the very large hall like room as I walk by it before entering into the mouth of the statue going inside, welcomed to a very large room with book shelves upon book shelves, making it even bigger than the libarsy but you know what is also here among the walls is weapons, even very much muggle weapons like guns

I wave my hand, yes I can do wordless and windless magic this whole time, yes I am a dumb idiot who is only now fighting back but oh well, atleast I am taking control now, rather than later on in life

Ron ends up, upside down handing from the ceiling. I remove the ball out of his mouth which was making all his words muffled this whole time but could still make out sort of words at the same time if paid attention

"Now what to do with you, I could either make it painful but quick or I could do this for many many days. Your choice"

Ron- "quick, please quick"

Harry- "the long way it is then"

Ron- "I said quick, why are you doing this Harry I am your best friend, I have been nothing but good to you?"

Harry- I let our a psychotic cackle probably would make Bellatrix proud of me "you being a good friend to me, yeah right, that only lasts a week once a month, all the other times I have to hide the bruises and wounds that you, Hermione, your sister and Dumbledore causes, so yeah you can say very much different on being a such good friends when all you have been us a horrible terrible abusive, letting your sister rape me best friend. Some friend you are, if I where you, I would of wished I had killed myself years ago on what you had done to me. But no you don't care, all you care is the fame and money that you and the others are getting, that's all you care about. You are such an emotionless, self-centred bastard, that I wished I killed you off the very first day I meet you. I should of taken Draco Malfoy friendship, he would of been a better friend than you because he would of given a fuck even if he was using me and trying to get me to join the dark side, which I would happily accept seeing as I truly am a Slytherin by heart but I listened to you and believed I should of been a Gryffindor when truly I am certainly am a snake, a snake that you crossed to far, as you cause me such pain and suffering the last six years, every day I have felt like killing myself because of you. I came here to hogwarts to have friends, to be love and maybe even a family. Your family will never been my family as none of you even the ones who aren't in this whole money or knowing of what you have been doing to me, what your sister has been doing to me situation. I know you sister hasn't been just raping me either, there a few others even a few first years, your sister is such a pervert, she is fifteen and raping eleven years old who two of them have already been to an mental health facility after everything she did to them multiple times, especially that third year who at midnight ride his broom to the very tip the tower, above the headmaster office and jumped off, where he landed, every piece of his bones shattered into a million pieces and guess what she did, oh wait you know, she went a raped another boy that said day, with Dumbledore knowing and threatening the poor boys and giving the families of the said boys money to keep the boy to not say a word about anything that happened to them. So yeah, I am going to fucking ruin you sister, your girlfriend Hermione, your brothers, your parents and everyone you supposed love and care for, that's even if you actually give a fuck about them, if not then you won't give a fuck what I am about to do to them all now would you"

Ron- "oh booo hooo you got pushed around, so what we was spending your money, get over it, it was going to ens up being ours anyway either when you defeated Voldemort or married my sister, it would of happened either way, with us getting the money. As for my family or Hermione, or the headmaster, you can do fuck all you want, I don't give too shits about the lot of them, so yes you are right I only care about myself, especially when it came to food, a roof over my head and money. So what you going to do now, kill me?"

Harry- "eventually, I will kill you but for now, you going to get a little pain that I felt" I walked over to one of the walls grabbing a few thing with putting them only a trolley.

I lowered him down putting him onto a board which stands up, locking every part of them in place. I pick up the pliers heading towards his fingers

I smirk up at him "this is going to heart darling, quite alot"



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