Chapter 1: Peaceful Life

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He fidgeted with the sleeve of the loose blouse he was wearing. His parents made sure he was dressed in his best dress. At least they allowed him to choose his own color. If they forced him to wear blue again, he was surely going to throw up.

So now here he was dressing in his best light yellow long-sleeved blouse and tight white jeans. He had his long ivory hair styled in a half-tale secured with a hairpin. And he had a little bit of lip gorse and mascara around his eyes.

He knew he was looking good. But that didn't erase his nervousness.

He could hear his parents and Mrs. Howarthhorn talking. But he really wasn't in the mood to focus on what they were saying.

The sudden knock on the door startled him.

"Oh, it must be him." Mrs. Howarthhorn said with a warm smile.

Then the door opened and the most handsome man he had ever seen came in.

Noah felt everything around him fade away as he stared at the magnificent creature in front of him.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had..."

The man's words died in his throat as his eyes met with a blue-eyed pair.

Noah couldn't help but stare at him.

The alpha was tall with broad shoulders. He wore a dark suit, and his light brown hair was combed back to stay away from his face. He had the most beautiful features with a sharp jawline and piercings. He had tattoos peeking from the chest where he had generously left three buttons open. Everything about the alpha screamed authority and his presence alone was commanding.

But the most mesmerizing thing about the man was his eyes.

His eyes shimmered with a mesmerizing hue of amber, resembling golden pools that held secrets untold. They seemed to dance with the warm glow of a setting sun, emitting an aura of both strength and gentleness. The vibrant amber color complemented his light brown hair, creating a majestic aura around him.

When their eyes met, something extraordinary happened. The moment Noah's gaze locked with man's, he felt an inexplicable connection, as though he had known him for a long time.

Both of them couldn't seem to do anything other than stare at each other.

Something was strange.

Then the omega noticed the scent.

Sandalwood. It was so soft and warm yet woodsy. There were warm fire notes underneath it making him suddenly feel warm and cozy. It was comforting and incited a sense of familiarity though he never met this alpha before in person.

And it woke up his inner omega.

And then it hit.

It couldn't be. No way.

Noah never thought God cared about him like that.

But here, he was staring at his destined mate.



A soft, sleepy voice dragged Noah back from his memory. He looked down as he felt a light tug on his pants. There was a small boy, no older than two or three, clutching Noah's pants. His little fists rubbed at his tired eyes as his shabby chocolate hair fell in tuffs around his forehead. There was a once-white but now-grey toy, Mr. Smith tucked under his other arm.

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