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(Next day)

Khushi's POV

I woke up around 4am.

I hid under the covers because my head was hurting so bad and even the light was bothering me.

I sat on the edge of the bed willing myself the strength to stand and go to the bathroom. I tried twice to try and sit up, but failed needing to sit back down. On my third attempt, I was successfully and quietly went to washroom.

I felt so shitty. So bone tired. Even after gulping a bottle of water, my throat still felt dry.

I tried to take my own temperature with the back of my hand, but I guess my hands are also too warm so I am guessing that it's nothing serious. I'm fine. I need to sleep.

Arnav's POV

I woke up to movement of Khushi tracing my lips.My eyes flutter catching her gaze and she quickly looked away.

I couldn't resist any longer, leaned in and titling my chin towards her a kiss.

Khushi turnt away, "Don't, I am sick."

Kissing her anyway, I replied - "I can handle a few germs."

A flush crept across her cheeks.

Lying in bed, foreheads pressed together, just gazing into each other's eye and taking it all in. Everything was quiet. And then Khushi suddenly sneezed and sort of scared me.

I inadvertently touched her and ended up exclaiming in shock - "You're burning up!"

(Three hours later)

While I freshened up and eat some breakfast, I took Scooby out for walk leaving Khushi at home to rest up.

Around afternoon, I found Khushi huddled among the mountain of blankets. Our bed is literally shaking from all the coughing. The cough has gotten so bad that she can barely talk before another fit overtakes her and even trying to swallow even the softest foods like bread (which was our breakfast) had proven to be huge task, for her throat.

Khushi's POV

My head hurts like a bitch and I thought that I had mild fever this morning. Probably.

It's probably jetlagg and it will pass soon. There's no need for Arnav to worry. I can take care of myself, damnit. I just need to sleep it out.

I tried to sit up on the bed, just enough time to reach for the waterbottle on the nightstand and drink what little water is left in there and another fit comes up. I raised my hand to my mouth to try and muffle the coughs that wrecked my body. I finally put my hand down, my chest felt like it was on fire,and the tissue I was holding was stained with green mucus.

(That night)

I couldn't sleep much since there was Khushi. Delirious and fever stricken, moaning, twisting slightly throughout the night as she tried to escape the burning heat in her. I laid cool wet clothes on her brow, giving her sips of cold water, gave her blankets when the chills strike and pulled the covers off when the restless shifting and sweating returned. Her fever dreams getting interrupted by my patient touches and assurance.

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