Chapter 7

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Hey lovelies

Had a busy month, yet it was unproductive as per my dictionary. Let's hope it gets better. Honestly, I am take my mind off things whilst writing. And I hope you like this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Please do let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Arnav's POV

As soon as the movie ended, I watched as Khushi bolted to the guest bedroom. I am guessing that she was embarrassed from our sitting arrangement. But honestly, it's high time that she understands that she's got the damn rights in the world, being my wife. Now, the question is - does she know that?

I stared outside the window pane as I watched the dance between lighting and thunder. The weather was gloomy yet beautiful. I watched the rain drops race down the window pane, having a race of their own. The soothing sounds of rain accompanied by the thunder claps were literally lulling me to a sleep. How I wish I could have a blanket to nest myself into on the sofa. If only, I would have fallen asleep on the sofa. But, it's getting slightly chilly now and I would love a warm blanket.

I am staring at the scooby and that rascal is nicely cocooned in his dog bed. Even he has got a blanket with me and then there's me. Wait, does Khushi have a blanket?

I really don't want to get out of the sofa to grab the blanket. Maybe I should train Scooby to fetch a blanket for me. He's got to some work around the house, right?

The only work that he does at home, is hog my time with my wife since he gets all her undivided attention. And don't even get be started on how spoilt and pampered he is. And also super protective over my wife. He literally lays in front of her feet, while she's working or busy in the kitchen. He's total mumma's boy and Khushi thinks that he's partial to me. Lies! All lies!

I unwillingly made my way to the bedroom to grab a blanket for myself and Khushi. I tried to knock the guest bedroom but there was no reply. Did Khushi sleep off already? It's highly possible since Khushi got those blackout curtains and if pulled, literally light cant come into the room. Honestly, I'm glad that she did that and it helps me to catch up on some much needed sleep, especially after the night shifts.

Upon hearing no answer at the door, I made myself in and just as I predicted, the room was pitch black. I could sense Khushi lying on the bed and thanks to my stars, something tripped me and I fell on Khushi, who screamed blue murder at the sudden movement.

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