Layla didn't say much more to him; she didn't mention just how many injuries Lucy had sustained. She had a feeling Natsu wouldn't be able to handle hearing that. She herself didn't even want to think about it.

Things seemed bad right now, but she knew her daughter would pull through. That thought was the only thing keeping her going at the moment.


Natsu stayed by Lucy's side, waiting for her to return to him. He never left the hospital; nobody could get him there.

He only gets up from his chair to use the bathroom or shower.

He and Layla spend the most time at the hospital. Everyone else visited as soon as they were finished with work or school. Layla would leave late at night and come back as early as possible while Natsu slept on the uncomfortable chairs.

Natsu didn't go back to school like his friends did. His friends come by every day just to sit in the room with them, telling Natsu all that has happened at school. It was in one of those conversations that he learned what happened to Lisanna. Lisanna was also admitted to the hospital. They told him she almost died. After getting better, she'd be sent to jail for her crimes.

His friends weren't the only ones to visit. The rest of his schoolmates would drop by, leaving flowers and stuffed animals for Lucy.


Natsu didn't know how much longer he could take. It's been a week, and Lucy is still in her coma. With each passing day, he feels as though he loses a piece of himself.

He'd sit staring at Lucy's face for hours on end, hoping and waiting for an indication that she'd be coming back to him.

He rested his head at her side with her hand still in his. Sobs began to rack his body. He was thankful he was the only one in the room at that moment.

This is all he did when he was alone. Cry. Crying was all he could do. He felt like he couldn't function properly with her by his side.

Then there it was—what he'd been looking for all along. He felt his hand being squeezed.


Her voice was low and heavy, but he'd recognize it anywhere. His head sprung up. She was staring at him with a small smile on her face. Tears continued to rush down his cheeks.

He couldn't believe it. She was finally awake.

He quickly got up and ran to get the nurse before running back to the room. He stood out of the way of the nurses and doctors and contacted their parents, who wasted no time in coming down to the hospital.

Natsu stood by the side as both his and Lucy's parents crowded around the bed. Natsu smiled at seeing them interact.

Natsu sat on one of the couches and let out a sigh of relief. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of him. He was so happy that his beloved was okay. Soon his thoughts turned negative; he couldn't help it. He wondered what he would have done if she didn't wake up.

Natsu didn't notice when both his and Lucy's parents left the room to get food and speak to the doctors.

Lucy took that opportunity to observe her saviour. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess, and he looked like he had lost weight. She grew concerned.

"Natsu," she called out to him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He looked up at her, and she signaled him over. Once he was within reach, she pulled him down into a hug, surprising him.

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