Halloween, Presidio Style

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"I am not-"

"Of course you are." Luke and Thalia both said at the same time.

"The door commander." Reyna said. "Stand by the door."

"We're not working." Percy just grumbled.

"Okay sir devil of hell." Aether said. "The door..."

"C'mon Perce." Annabeth smiled.

Jason, Piper, Alex, and Nico were already in line leaving two last spots next to the door for Annabeth and Percy.

They stood in line. Annabeth took the left of the double doors and Percy took the other door, following Annabeth's lead.

"In five, four, three-" Annabeth said.

"Two. One!" Everyone inside yelled as Annabeth and Percy threw the doors open.

"Trick or treat!" Everyone yelled.

Apollo had immediately turned the music up, right over there, on that DJ booth he insisted had to, well, be there.

Waves of people stormed in like a tsunami. Immediately going to the friends they know, or to the food stands.

"You've got the alcohol magic going on, right?" Annabeth said to Aether, her voice drowned by the loud music blaring on the background.

"Yes to drinks. No to alcohol. No to drunk people. Yes to drinks from us. No to drinks from them. And no to drugs." Aether said like a little kid.

"Good boy." Annabeth said before Percy dragged her off to the backyard.

"I dare you to swim."

Their enormous backyard was already filled with people. Dozens and dozens of people. They could see the lights and noise coming from the roof top, and a different set of lights from inside the house.

"Percy I have wings." Annabeth said.

"Come on. It'll be fun." Percy said.

"Wings." Annabeth repeated.

"Come on. It's not like you're on your period." Percy said.

"Percy!" Annabeth scolded as she blushed.

"I'm your husband." Percy said, as he took Both of Annabeth's hands and pulled her towards the pool. "Besides. It's a blood colored pool."

"Easy for you to say. I have white wings." Annabeth grumbled.

"It won't stain. Come on." Percy begged.

"It's cold." Annabeth said.

"I promise I'll keep you warm?" Percy said again.


"Please please pleaseeee." Percy said.

"One jump." Annabeth said. "And then you dry me off."


Annabeth hadn't even realized that they never stopped walking. They were at the edge of the pool now. Percy pulled her into a kiss, his hand safely behind her neck, as he tipped himself backward, pulling both of the down.

Annabeth gave a little squirm as she hit the cold water, but Percy didn't let her go. He warm cold and warm at the same time. She could feel the heat of his body against hers, but at the same time, his touch made her shiver.

He had no time to create an air bubble, everyone was watching. They both surfaced to a crowd of people cheering.

Percy pulled Annabeth to the side, picked her up and placed on the ground, before he hitched himself up to the land.

For Us DemigodsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz