Part 32

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Someone in that waiting area at the hospital must have heard us talking. I have no idea how, because it sounded like a zoo in there, but they must've heard. And whoever that person was leaked Persephone's story to the media for what, a little cash? It's making me so mad, I feel like punching my way through a wall. To violate Persephone's privacy like that... it makes me feel sick.

But that's what the media loves to do. I've seen it so many times, I've witnessed first-hand how vindictive the media can be. Hell, it's what caused my last relationship to tumble. It's what caused me to become reserved in my life, and who I socialised with. And now, I can't help but think that history is repeating itself. Because of me, because of the small, little bit of fame I have, Persephone's personal life has been ruined. If it wasn't for me, for my influence, she wouldn't have every news station hounding her for information. She wouldn't be crying right now, she wouldn't be feeling like a part of herself was unfairly robbed from her.

I've been thinking about how I'm going to tell Persephone something. Something that's been brewing since she was bombarded, something that I hate to think of but know will help her. Stop her from being harassed. I feel a lump in my throat even as I just think about it, driving over to her apartment. I never want to say what I'm about to say. I told her, only a few weeks ago, that nothing would ever break us apart. That I would never, ever leave her. And yet, here I am, somehow thinking that saying goodbye is the only option. But it is. Because at the end of the day, people don't want to sell stories about people that aren't connected to someone they do want stories from. It worked for my ex-girlfriend 3 years ago. After she left me, she was left alone, to live her own life. And I want Persephone to have a happy life. I want nothing more for her to be happy.

I try to fight my racing pulse as I pull into the parking lot of Persephone's apartment complex. I try to stop my heart from pounding through my chest as I climb the stairs to her apartment, the thought of going up in the elevator too quick. My heart jumps in my throat as my knuckle makes contact with the hardwood door. I purse my lips at the sound of faint footsteps behind the door, suddenly wanting none of this to be real. I want to be back in dreamland, back to a couple of weeks ago where I was the happiest I have been in my whole life.

The door swings open, and I'm met with Persephone's pale, tired looking expression. She looks unwell, something I'm scared I'll only emphasise after I leave here today.

I take a step closer towards her, enveloping her in a tight hug. I lose my breath as I bury my face in her shoulder, never wanting to let her go. Persephone pulls away from me first, placing a hand against my cheek, and studying my face.

"You look breathless." She says, her voice soft as she studies me critically.

"I walked up the stairs. I just... needed to think for a minute." She nods, satisfied, letting me walk into her apartment. I feel jittery as I take in the smell of warm, baked goods. Something that's usually make me feel comforted now makes me feel nervous, and scared for what I'm about to do.

I stand awkwardly around the kitchen island, not knowing what to do with myself. Persephone moves around to the opposite side of the island, looking down at the freshly baked muffins.

"I thought baking would make me feel better."

"Did it?" Persephone shakes her head silently, biting her lip as she looks down at the muffins.

"Would you like one?" She asks, trying to fill the silence of the room.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm okay." I think I'd vomit if I tried to eat anything right now.

We stand in silence for a few more, terribly awkward moments . I don't know what to say to her. I don't know how to tell her what I've been thinking. I'm not ready to hurt her. I'm not ready to hurt myself.

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