Chapter 4: Revelations

Start from the beginning

"Real, shame. I was hoping to maybe get an autograph from you or your old man." The Sheriff continued.

Y/n grunted, before a small smile crept up on his face. "Sorry, already promised my first autograph to someone else."

Weems smiled as she decided to intervene. "Yes, well as fascinating as this whole ordeal has been, I'm afraid we must get going." She smiled as she guided Y/n and Wednesday out the door.


"Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar." Weems spoke up as she had her hands clutched around the steering wheel. Wednesday stared straight ahead and Y/n sat in the back seat, holding his gut and staring at the window as he tried to keep his cool. Wednesday was able to notice the color of his skin beginning to pale from the rear view mirror. Y/n looked at the trees as they passed and took in the sight of nature. Trying to take his mind off the draining feeling. His inhales were begining to get heavier. Weems looked over at Wednesday with a small smirk, like she was almost amused. "Wish I could say I was surprised."

Besides Y/n's constantly increasing curious behavior. Wednesday has other questions on her mind. "What did he mean about my father?" She questioned the principal.

Weems' eyebrows raised higher in response. "I have no idea, but a word of advice. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends. Like you did with Y/n." Her voice had the firm grasp of authority, but the small, gracious smile remained.

Wednesday's eyes snapped towards Weems. Ready to reject her on the fact she called Y/n her friend...


She didn't...

"We're not friends... We're... Acquaintances." She corrected. Weems seemed genuinely surprised. She didn't think Wednesday would say something like that, but she viewed it as progress.

She glanced back briefly at the Biker. "Did you hear that Y/n? You two are acquaintances." She smiled.

Y/n only groaned slightly. "Don't know what that means." He mumbled. He heard the Rider growl quietly in his mind, almost tiredly, or disappointed.

Weems chuckled when she heard him. "Don't worry Y/n, we will work on your vocabulary. Rest assured." She told him. She narrowed her eyes as she looked ahead. Spotting some sort of traffic accident up ahead. "Oh dear, looks terrible." She pursed her lips nervously as her eyebrows slacked. As they got closer they saw that the pickup truck had collided with a semi. Two officers were out front in the scene, one was waving their SUV along. "I hope the driver's okay."

Wednesday kept her eyes trained on the scene. "He's dead... He broke his neck." The Goth Girl spoke in a monotone voice and emotionless eyes.

Weems looked over at the girl with a perplexed expression. "How can you tell from this angle?" As they got closer, they realized she was right. The driver's neck was bent at a ninety-degree angle. Wednesday reached into her jacket as she curled the necklace her mother gave her. She looked into the rear view mirror to see Y/n staring directly at her. But it felt like there was another pair of eyes looking at her through his. It sent a shiver down her spine, and it made her all the more curious about him.


Wednesday sits atop their dorm balcony, dressed in a black sweater and a black and white striped shirt. Playing the song as though she's practiced her whole life. Fluently, elegantly, and hauntingly beautiful. It all seems so second nature to her as she stares at the note pages with frightening attention. Each note it looming, lingering, and desperate.

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