The droid army hand cuffed the Jedi and the Chancellor, taking them to the flight deck. This is where they met General Grievous.

"Ah, yes. The negotiator." Grievous greeted them upon their entrance. "General Kenobi, we've been waiting for you. That wasn't much of a rescue." General Grievous said to them, a droid handing him their lightsabers. He coughed thickly before starting again. "Anakin Skywalker. I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little... older." The General stalked up to Anakin.

"General General Grievous, you're shorter than i expected." Anakin smirked, standing tall.

"Jedi Scum." Grievous wheezed, turning to Elia. "Elia... Stormborn, is it?" The human like cyborg narrowed his eyes at the woman. "From what I hear, you'd make a good addition to our side." He looked down at Elia, whose stony expression lit up.

"If I had a credit for every time someone said that to me, I'd be rich." Elia laughed in his face, to which Grievous recoiled away from her with yet another cough.

"We have a job to do, try not to upset him." Obi-Wan warned the two Jedi Knights.

Get R2 to cause a scene, then we can get our sabers back and get the hell off this ship. Elia locked eyes with Anakin who nodded subtly, turning to his Master.

"You lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection." General Grievous pulled his cloak back, revealing extra arms and several other lightsabers.

"Not this time. And this time, you won't escape." Obi-Wan told the General.

"R2!" Anakin called out to the droid, who suddenly looked as though he was malfunctioning. Every slot opening up, every electrical arm sticking out.

Elia and Obi-Wan then turned their back to face Grievous, using the force to gain their sabers back. Elia turned to cut Anakin's and then he too gained his saber back.

"No! Make them Suffer!" Grievous demanded his droids, striding away coughing.

Elia found herself surrounded by droids, deflecting all their shots and cutting them to pieces in the process. She glanced over her shoulder and watched as Anakin was saving the Chancellor and Obi-Wan only fighting a singular droid.

"Don't worry guys, I got it." Elia shouted gruffly, trying to gain the attention of her companions. As she was taking on the most of the enemies. The Stormborn girl sighed deeply before using the Force, pushing her arms in an outward motion. The droids went flying backwards into walls and such.

"Looks like you got it." Anakin pointed out sarcastically, Elia shot him a glare. Obi-Wan was now fighting Grievous, Anakin and Elia vaulted over the control panel, blocking the General from leaving. Just as they were about to attack, the General spoke.

"You lose, General Kenobi." Grievous shot a loose pole through the window, shattering it. The gravity of space instantly spilling into the ship. All three Jedi grappled for something to hold on to. Elia pulled herself over the control panel and hit the emergency air lock button. The shattered window was then replaced by metal walls, everyone fell to the ground.

"You're welcome. Now let's get the hell off this ship before one more thing goes wrong." Elia spoke in irritation, tossing a loose strand of hair over her shoulder. The control panel beeped obnoxiously.

"All the escape pods have been launched." Obi-Wan announced to Elia and Anakin.

"What else could go wrong now?" Elia asked in exasperation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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