| ^= Ring Ring You're Dead =^ |

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"Surprise!" Nikolai giggled softly, cheeks red and cheery, grinning from ear to ear in elation, his figure outlined by the heavenly lights that dispersed from the fluorescent glow of the sizzling lamp on the nightstand, almost like an angel that had descended down to hell to rescue an innocent soul from eternal damnation.

All I could do was stare at him in total disbelief. The silence swallowing my breath with every single word that threatened to come out all at once in a horde of bombarding questions.

How was he here? When did he get here? How did he even know how to find me? Was I dreaming? I had to be dreaming... this was just my imagination playing fickle tales of providence on me. That had to be it! There's no way he knew where to find me in a place like this. Not in this hell.

But... his smile. The way he grinned at me with that expression of elation and paled exclamation, his eyes always freckled with a blue light that couldn't simply be replicated. Not by my mind or anybody else's. This had to be him. There was no other explanation— even if his sudden appearance was definitely a puzzling coincidence— I don't care.

He's here, that's all I truly care about. The whys and hows don't matter, not right now at least.

I'm too overcome with elation to even form a coherent sentence or phrase, my hands trembling while out reaching to clasp his face and stroke his pale and supple cheeks that fit soundly in my palms. Without even realizing it, a smile that is usually vacant suddenly upturns on my lips and a soft gasp rushes through my throat, the wind tightening around my insides while it hits my lungs like a ricocheting bullet. Nothing in this moment could ever ruin the way this felt. The warmth of his voice, his skin, even his body heat, it was all so tenderly familiar that I could die from the over pour of memories.

No fucking words could express how much I loved this man. None.

He was my light, my only hope shining in this hell. The only capable reason of spurring me on to keep on living, despite the current circumstances I found myself in, incapable of using my own intellect to work my way out of a crisis, I persevered. Why? Because as long as Nikolai was waiting for me on the other end it was all well and worth it. I don't care what I lost in the process. He's the only one that matters to me in the end.

Even God himself can strike me down and I'll just get back up again and again, as long as my reason to accept the elixir of life is still there by my side, I'll take it as many times as it's offered just to earn the chance to see him again.

My mouth whimpered like a wounded animal once I had the opportunity to finally stabilize myself and register what was actually going on around me. My mental awareness snapping back like a shipment cable and pursing me back into my body, "Nikolai... you're actually here... but how? How did you find me? When did you get—" Before I even had the slightest of chances to finish my sentence, two, fairly soft, and candy flavored lips wrapped themselves around mine in an intimate and courtly embrace that made me shudder to my stomach. I could feel my core melting into a gooey mess of emotion and any other upheaval clutter that was mass producing itself inside of the entails of my being.

"Mn..." Even my eyelashes crumbled against the weight of pleasure and delight that solidified itself into my very soul, another shiver caressed my spine while I found myself staring to cater into the deathly comfortable embrace of my lovers arms. Our lips fumbled together as one whole; my tongue flashed up against his and intertwined in affection, an unbridled passion that I had missed for all eternity.

This was so utterly amazing. The very taste of his presence and warmth was enough to make my insides clench while I drank him by the bucketful.

Yes. I needed this, I desired it for who knows how long. The flavor of his lips, the aroma of his minty and tangy breath, almost like the filling of a pie overflowing to the brim with fresh delight and careful preparation. I couldn't stop myself from exfoliating a moan from my mouth when Nikolai thrusted his warm, squishy, and saliva coated tongue to lap up at mine like licking up ice cream off of a waffle cone that  was pouring down after falling victim to the cruel summers heat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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