| • The Ghostly Murders • |

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The dim lights of the monitors illuminated our sanctuary, eyes blinking in the darkness while I scrolled around on the computers, my face brightened and pale, desperately looking for ends meet.

"This is fucking pointless." Chuuya stagnates his woes, fists violently smashed into the filing cabinet responsible for my callous headache. The metal crumpled up like tin foil and it banged up into the corner it now leaned on for support.

He's being even more short- tempered now than ever before. Ever since we came to uncover that Dazai was no longer in the cell he's been irritated at every little thing that comes into view. Me included.

We made the wise decision to retreat back here for now, thankfully to his agreement of course. And when I brought up the fact I could potentially browse around the monitors for Dazai's location he was ecstatic and practically jumping out of his seat at the sound of it.

And he claims not to be in love with him?

He's in some serious denial.

"Relax for me Chuuya." I plead without paying much attention to his aggression. "Your tantrums aren't helping. All you're managing to do is spike my anxiety levels to a new all time high." The joke didn't seem very necessary after I said it and all I wished for now was to catch it back and preserve it for later.

"Do I get an award for that or something?" Eyebrow raised, Chuuya gave me a forward scoff and turned his expression sour at the contact of my glare.

Why was he being so insufferable again? Sometimes I hated having to go to school with fellow teenagers. The amount of immaturity knows no bounds. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only relatively normal person there. Others, I think I'm just surrounded by brain dead imbeciles. But that can't be helped, just how people are these days.

Typing along on the computer; my skills were hardly making a dent in the security of this place, most files were locked with access codes we hadn't attained yet, handing me the opportunity to realize this was like one of those horror games I played when I was younger. Usually the puzzle ones, keeping me occupied for hours and frying my brain with hilarity and distraction.

"No, you most certainly don't." My fingers clacked against the keys all in one swift motion, my eyes scanning the dots of code hidden throughout the algorithm.

"Figures." I heard him mumble under his breath while gritting his teeth, a foot met the fallen cabinet in a swift and terse manner. Another clang bringing me to a halt from my work but I later came to ignore it.

There has to be something. Somewhere here. No one makes a code you can't solve. The purpose is to be solved, it's that simple. But this was quite the struggle, a challenge I'm not accustomed to. I felt like with every breath I sucked in from the fringed air, my lungs would falter and betray me once another pang of hopelessness exploded through my veins.

What am I doing wrong...? Hands tearing through my black hair, nails grasping the roots and tugging with coordinated frustration, I cleaned my eyes through the code and placed each pair on a mental shelf only to be thoroughly disappointed after a newly acquired headache.

"Still no luck, huh?" Chuuya meandered on over and stood beside me with a click of his tongue shocking my eardrums out of commission.

I felt my blood slightly boil at how condescending he sounded, even if it wasn't entirely intentional. "It appears so." I steeled out the words with a clench of my fists, nails marking my palms like they were tree bark.

"You gonna give up?" He cocked his head to one side and tried to make sense of the nonsense displayed on the glowing screen. "Or do you think you can figure it out?" A frown creased his face slightly.

S^x with a Ghost| Fyolai AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora