|! Tragic Tuesday !| [pt. 2]

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I couldn't believe what was happening before my very eyes.

I truly thought I was hallucinating. There was no possible way that Nikolai was here. Wrapping his arms around me and hugging me to his hearts content. I was in a state of utter disbelief and slight trepidation, do to the fear that I may have actually been imagining things. My purple- red eyes blinked wildly as I struggled to find the mental capacity to comprehend the jester's sudden appearance in this very Casino. I had never told him were it was located, nor had I ever seen him in something so fashionable. It made me wonder if he had been withholding aspiration for such wear because he wanted it to be a surprise. Simply because he wanted to see the hypnotizing look of hunger and admiration plastering my expression.

And that's exactly what he was achieving.

My cheeks were slightly tinted with a rose petal pink that rooted itself into every single fiber and cell of my face, even my ears and nose bridge were covered in the colorful, vibrant mask of embarrassment. I couldn't contain myself. I was unable to do so. The fact that he just suddenly seemed to appear out of thin air was leaving my head spinning to the point I was breathless. I couldn't manage to let a single stab of air into the back of my lungs, it was as if I was trapped in an underwater cage. Stuck in some type of trance by a majestic siren that was offering me a chance of freedom. A freedom that I would've happily taken without a moments hesitation, because if it were to take me away from this very hell I would be more than inclined to welcome it with open arms.

The very warmth of his voice soothing itself into the back of my ear drums made me realize how much I had longed for his heavenly touch. I couldn't help but lean my head back so I could gaze deep into those lively eyes of his, I could practically see them rippling back at me with such love and affection, it made me want to faint from a euphoria overdose. Just catching onto the highlight of the figure made me shiver with apprehension as my lips were slightly parted, the expression on my face portrayed a look of pure confusion yet excitement. I couldn't help but wonder how long he had been here. Had he arrived before I did, waiting for an optimal chance to catch me off guard like he always had? Or had he just so happened to show up at a golden opportunity like this, able to both catch me and my companions slacking off in more ways than one?

Nikolai grinned at me, his teeth pooling underneath it into a chaotic transfiguration of excitement, bliss, ever so gentle content, and elation that he couldn't seem to contain any longer. But if I had to be fairly honest? I couldn't keep mine bottled up any longer either- but we were both shackled to the responsibility to do so because of the pair of onlookers who were gazing at us with heightened anticipation. I could see Agatha's expectant sparkle in her eyes as she seemed to be insinuating something with her very gaze, darting her blinding blue eyes from me and then to the jester who was currently gazing deeply into my violet eyes. It was as if he was lost in some secluded world of his own design, though I do not doubt that it was made of some little magic show that he created so he could elude this world that we have all come to know as reality, retracting into his very mind so he could live his most glorious fantasies without a much as a single hindrance to fall upon them.

And I couldn't not help but envy that world. As I knew that no matter how hard I tried my ideal world could never exist- not even inside the universe of my own mind. My functioning brain would simply not allow such a thing to tarnish its existence- it's process that was life. Though I could not blame it for wanting to keep everything the way it was. A change such as that could alter its prospect of the world entirely, and humans naturally fear change. It was just a common occurrence that not even the most powerful and influential minds could resist, mine included. I especially knew of this phenomenon, for I even feared a few suspenseful changes throughout my life. That fact was evident in the eyes of its beholder.

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