"Ok, gaki, show us what you got," the second one said, he was obviously gloating.

"Ok!" the kid said laying down his cards, "Didn't I tell you they were cooler! Look, it's all one color and the whole royal family is together for a change and-"

Before there could be a general uproar, Tsunade decided to get involved. For one thing…this kid had gotten a royal flush without even having to pick up any other cards…if she had him…she would be so rich…and she'd better take him before someone else got him…

Naruto raked in the ryou as fast as he could while the players were still in a state of shock. He had learned from experience that once people came to grips with the fact that they had just lost against him, they would get really mad. Normally, they would follow him out and try to take the money from him.

"...how…" one of them mumbled as Naruto dashed away, leaving the rest of the money.

"GET THE CHEATING GAKI!" the other roared.

There was instant chaos in the room.

Naruto ducked under a pair of legs and threw the doors open. He didn't think enough to call out to Sai and Hinata. They didn't seem to need to be told to run, because the second that they saw Naruto dash out the door, they were right behind him. Naruto didn't need to look back to know that he was being followed. He could feel the killing intent coming from some of those people.

"Split!" Naruto yelled.

Once they came to a three way fork, Naruto and the others each went different ways. Hopefully, it would confuse them enough for Naruto to get away. He dodged through the streets and carefully wove through the crowd of milling people. When he stopped for breath, Naruto was in a small back alley that ended in a dead end.

"Got you!"

Naruto turned around to see the two men from the poker game grinning. Naruto now knew just why they were called dead ends.

"Don't worry, gaki," one said with a smirk, "it won't hurt too bad."

Naruto backed up until his back was pressed against the wall. He could try to use Kage Bushin, but that might not help. Naruto was still trapped, and even if he multiplied himself until his collapsed, those guys weren't going to let him run away. Naruto dropped the money behind him and hoped that Sai and Hinata had found the others.

"Men like you are a disgrace to gamblers," a woman's voice said from behind the two, "Being able to take your loss is the sign of a true gambler! No matter who you lose to it is the duty of a gambler to suck it up and pay!"

She was tall and maybe in her mid to late twenties, with blond hair tied in two low ponytails and brown eyes. Her clothes were simple and cheep looking peasant wear, but something about her gave the impression that she wore them for comfort, not necessity. Her arms were crossed and her eyes were dangerously narrow.

"What ya gonna do about girly?" the man asked.

The woman smirked and sent a punch that Naruto swore could have torn down a building into the man's gut, sending him flying into one of the walls, leaving a crater. The other man stared at his companion dumbly before realizing that psycho woman was still there. That was right before he joined his friend in the crater.

Naruto : Struggle Of ChildhoodWhere stories live. Discover now