chapter 4, 1st day at the new school

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           "Finally the long weekend finally passed and its pretty early Monday morning. Jason woke up pretty early to get ready Teo and Antōni's stuff for their first day at school. He was nervous. He got used of them being home all day. He likes their presence in the house."
       "A few minutes later the kids had just woke up and showed up in the kitchen were Jason is. It was still pretty early so they had time to eat breakfast before they go to wash up and get into their uniforms. They would meet up with Akira and the twins to go get Antōni and Teo's weekly schedule before the bell goes off so the classes start."
       "The weekend before Jason nd the kids went to go get the books, notebooks and other stuff they may need for the school year. Luckily there wasn't a lot of books to get for Teo and Antōni. But they had to get them x2. So double the money, this didn't bother Jason tho.. he just wanted his kids to be happy..."

- Morning papa.. Teo muttered with a morning voice.
- Nnmhh...... Antōni sleepily mumbled
- Goodmorning to both of you kiddos how did you slept? Jason asked them
- Pretty good.. Antōni continued still mumbling. Antōni always was and still is a little groggy in the mornings.
- Still sleepy much, huh? The adult questioned.
- He sure is, pretty much. I am hungry tho! Teo answered.
- So am I!!
- Okay, okay...!! Jason laughed. Who wants waffles with syrup??!?! He continued.
- MMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! The kids shouted together.

*Jason chuckles and puts the waffles in the kids plates for them to eat*

"They quickly started to eat so they can go upstairs to change to their school uniforms. They didn't wanna be late for their first day at school. A school full of students that are special. They are pretty exited.."

- Whoah! Kids slow down. We have time to spend until its time to get you to school you know... Its pretty early anyway... Just eat slower..
- Nu, we dun wan' be late fo fist day at school papa! (no, we don't want to be late for our* first day at the* new* school papa!).
Antōni said with full mouth
- kiddoo what did we said about talking with full mouth..

*Teo tries not to giggle out loud with her brother and dad's behavior*
- Sorry papa I'll try to not do this again. I keep forgetting that!!
- Its fine bud. Just get done with your breakfast to go upstairs to wash up and change.
- Okay papa. The 2 kids happily said with one voice

        "Not long after the two kids finally had done with their breakfast and went upstairs to change in their uniform.. Jason also ate breakfast and put all the plates at the sink. He was already dressed and had also done making his kids bento boxes. He took the bag with their food and gently waited in the living room area for Antōni and Teo to go downstairs again."
        "About 10 minutes later the two kids finally showed up into their uniforms and with their backpacks on their shoulders. Jason pleaded the kids to leave their bags on the table so he can but their bento boxes into them and to put their shoes on.."

-Oh! There you are! Please leave your bags on he table so i can put your food into them. and also put your shoes on. 

- Okay papa! they both said and leave their bags on the coffee table.
- Oh! Also wait for me at the car. Jason continued. I'll also put my shoes on and i am gonna be right behind you. Alright? The adult then added..
- alrighty dad. Teo replied as she gt up from putting her shoes on.

- mhuuumm okay! Antōni added next, while also getting up from the floor.

        "They then rushed to the door and Teo opened it, letting Antōni get out first and then also got out, not bothering to close the door behind. And runned towards the car."
       "Jason then chuckled to himself, got his children's bags and went to also put his shoes on. He got out of the house and locked it. When he finally got to the car he unlocked it and the kids went inside and buckled themselves up. Jason put their bags at the empty passenger's seat beside him, and then also went inside and started the car up."
        "It wasn't much of a long drive but still the kids were overly visibly still exited.. They had to go to school for quite some time after the tragic events that corrupted some months ago.. It was june when that happened so basically they are starting school at early of October... It didn't bother them though.. It was perfectly fine.." 
        "The kids had plenty of time to adjust to their new life.. And for Jason to be able to transfer them schools.. And to be able to officially adopt them so he could do that. In fact the three of them were more than happy with how the things turned out... being able to finally live a decent life.. Jason was more than happy to finally being able to fulfil his so much desired dream to raise his own children... to be able for him to leave his also traumatic past back, to not think of it.. he had to focus on him and his kids being happy and safe.. he wouldn't do the same mistakes as his 'parents'..." 
         "As Jason though of those things he didn't notice that they had already reached the school.. He snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed that his kids were getting their things for the passenger's seat.. He leaned towards them to kiss them goodbye.. then the kids closed the door and waved at him.. he waved back with a weak and sad but still soft smile. After he saw that they found their friends waiting for them at the school gate. They were wearing a slight different uniform as they were 2 grades above Teo and Antōni.." 

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