chapter 3, meeting new friends

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                            "Akira, Dre and his twin brother Mare rushed up to the principal's office. Yesterday, he had informed the three kids about Teo and Antōni's arrival. He wanted them to meet the kids and give them a quick tour around the school after classes, since most kids would have left the school by then, As it was also Friday and there wasn't any club or after school activities the Fridays, the principal also wanted the kids to get knowing each other too. He wanted the new kids to feel welcomed in the new environment."

                    "Luckily it was after classes and the halls were clean of students, because most of them were going home for the weekend. In five minutes Akira and the boys were outside the principal's office and they knocked the door. They got let in by a familiar voice. They were met by a familiar face and other 3 that wasn't familiar with. One of them was an adult, the other two was kids, possible a year or 2 younger than the other."

- We're here Mr. ---------- ! Just like u asked us to. Akira informed as she got inside. She heald the door open for while more for the other two boys to also go inside.
- Glad you came kids.
The principal replied. Meet Jason and his Adoptive kids. Jason was also a student here when he was at your age. Beside him are Teo and her Adoptive brother Antōni. He continued
- Nice to meet you. Dre said. The three kids bowed down in respect.
- My name is Akira Nova, And those two boys are Mare And Clay ----------, preferred to be called as Dre tho. They are Twins.
- Nice to meet you too kiddos, as you may heard by your principal I has also going here school. I was pretty good friends with your parents Akira. How are they? We haven't talk since they got married since a lot happened after.
- My dad is doing fine as far as I know. My mother has passed away after she gave birth to my younger brothers. They are twins They are currently four years old. And I also got a sister. She is two years older than me.
Oh...- I am really sorry to hear that. I should have contacted them more in the past.

- Arigato, tho that isn't your fault you know. She had a pretty bad pregnancy and around the end she has also sick. It was just meant to be like that... She continued
Oh...yeah sounds like it... anyway... nice to also meet you boys. He awkwardly said.
- Same I guess...?
Mare continued also awkwardly

- Now what...? I am confused by what you'all saying and the school seems pretty big... feels like we'll take ages to tour the whole thing and you guys are taking forever!!!
I am sorry t keep you waiting buddy (referring to Antōni which he just complained to him ).
- Oh well... I'ts fine Sensei. We could start the tour now? We don't wanna keep Akira, Dre and Mare waiting for us right? Teo questioned
- Yeah you're right little one. I am sure our friends right here are getting bored with all of us talking. The principal continued after Teo was done talking.
- I mean that's true but its fine we can wait its not like we got anything to do its Friday afternoon after all technically the start if the weekend. Mare mentioned
-Yeah that's true. I mean our parent's know that we are here so we don't need to worry about that as they know that were safe. His twin brother continued after him

                     "After that, Teo and Antōni went out of the office followed by Akira and the other two boys. They told the kids that it was ok to tour the school by Jason and the principal. As the two adults had to sign up some papers for the legal transfer of the two kids on the school. And then catch up a little bit as they were also friends there. As Jason was his special student. They were together most of the time except when he had gym/material arts, music or art class."

                                 "With Antōni, Teo and the other that had just got started with the touring from the school yard and where a was WC at the outside, and some ouside, two field each for basketball and football, and lastly for the utside area a outside gym. Then the main entrance and hall, the locker area, where each of the bathrooms and classes where and lastly the cafeteria n the ground floor. At the first floor where more classes and some school labs for biology, physics and chemistry where and two more baths for each gender and an all gender bath for genderqueer and enby students. They continued like that with the other 2 floors and roof."
                      "When they got done with the main building they moved on with the dorm building for 12 y/o ages and up as they were more mature and their parents would agree easily as the students were older. Not even Akira and the Boys where allowed into the dorms yet as tthey where younger than 12 y/o even all three of them were pretty tall for their age, so they didn't had a key for the building so they just showed it to them from the outside."
                        "Akira, Dre and Mare where almost 10 years old , while Teo and Antōni where 7 years old.
They would go inside only if a friend of them that was in a bigger grade than them allowed them in but only of their parents and homeroom teacher knew about it and only until half past 7 pm. For about 4 and something hours after school was done, Because after that the main entrance for the dorms was closing at 8 pm and the younger students had to go before then."

- Sadly we aren't old enough yet to get a key for the dorms as we are only 10 years old and u can get int dorms after you are 12 and your parents agree of course... Akira mentioned after she explained them about the rule that they would go inside only if they were with a friend or friends with bigger grade than them. (12 y/o and up) and that they would only stay until max half pat 7 pm.
- Though some students we know let us stay with them until then almost everyday exept Fridays and the weekends as they go back to their homes to see their family. Dre continued after his friend was done talking.
- Well that must sucks. Tho at least you have other students that let you guys in. That's good because when its gonna be the time that you will be allowed in the dorms you will be more comfortable and familiar with the environment. Teo mentioned After a few seconds of silence between them.
- yep the dorms are pretty cool. There is an elevator that lets you go into each grade's floor. Every grade got two and half floors each. The common area that is common for all students witch is the floor that the elevator leaves you into and there is the second floor which is the dorm rooms. Mare explained.
- That's why the school campus is so big. We got two gigantic buildings for the dormitories and another gigantic building for the main school. And after that we got the gigantic yard. All of the buildings here are pretty big as its a pretty popular school and a lot of kids come to study here almost every new school year. His brother continued after him.
- that's some pretty cool facts you got there guys! Teo was Amazed by the two boys
- Mhm! I also liked to hear those facts they are pretty useful too!!! Antōni mentioned also amazed
- I think that we should go now we don't have anything else to show I think. And also it started getting late. Akira looked a her watch. Its been a while we've been touring, I think like they have started getting worried. We started like an almost 2 hours ago and the dorm building is pretty far for the main campus. she continued
-Yeah true you are right 'Kira it started getting dark too and if I am right also cloudy. Its like its gonna start raining soon. Its Autumn anyway.
Dre mentioned.
- yep true. Lets go.
Antōni continued after him.

                    "After that they started heading back to the main building. Right as they went into the school it started lightly pouring rain. They headed towards the principal's office as it started to rain even more. When they finally reached the office they found the two adults talking and catching up. When they noticed the kids they stopped talking and asked the kids how was the tour and if they got wet by the rain. They told the adults that when they entered the school it had just started rain so they're as dry as they're the kids mentioned mockingly towards the adults and started laughing"

- Anyway Since its raining outside what about I drop you to your homes? I've got space as my car is pretty big. Jason asked the three kids. I'd like to also get your dad's phone number anyway to catch up with him.
- I mean sure why not
my dad wouldn't mind. We live together with the twins too as their parents disowned them for looking like that after the age of five as they got their Quirks, the first people in their family to have quirks. Basically their mother. Their dad is a good person but cannot do anything but to listen to her as she got the upper hand in the house. Akira explained
- That's pretty awful bud's I hope you are happy now tho.
- We sure are. At least we have now separate and normal rooms. While we were living with our biological parents they treated us like shit. Mostly our mother. We lived in a pretty big house but we were forced t live in mattresses in the floor of the basement. At least thanks to our father we were eating good and had clean and clothes that would fit us.
Dre sadly explained. The atmosphere became sad and moody really fast. There was an awkward silence in the room until Jason finally spoke up.
-Oh my- pour souls. I am so glad that you left from this hell of a home. And finally found a loving family.
We are also glad and happy. Thanks to Akira here! We me here it was all three of us the first day of school four years ago. We were at the same class. Mare continued to explain
- Mhm that's true. And after that we stuck together and they opened to me about their problems. We live together since.
Akira Happily said. The conversation was left there.

                      "After a few minutes, when the rain finally calmed down, Jason and the kids went to his car. He asked them where they lived and Dre answered that they lived down at --------- street, At Slender's Mansion. Then he proceed to ask how and why they lived there. And how they knew him. Akira then explained that her dad is friends with him and after her mom died they all moved there as it was a bigger house than their and that they are 4 children and an adult in an 2 bed, 1 bath apartment. But now everyone is much better with their own bedrooms and bath and everything else they may needed. Everyone has happy with how the things worked out at the end. That they are finally a happy and big family. Mare continued explaining that there is also a huge yard that starts from the front of the house and ends at the back, which was a good thing because that allowed the kids and their (general, all the fam's) pets to play outside. And that there is also woods after the mansion that its technically theirs because no ones goes there. As he was done talking Jason stopped the car in front of the three kids home. They thanked him and Akira told him to wait for a while for her father to come, she also told him that if she came back without him he was probably out of the house and he'd ask him the weekend and give the number written on a paper to give it to Antōni and Teo at Monday."
"She came back alone as her father had work to do and was out. Then she thanked him again and told him that she will give the not with the number to Teo to give him lastly she waved goodbye as she turned her back to the car and started heading back into her home. Jason started the car once more again and left the spot."

word count: 2.193

A.N :

I am really sorry to post it later than I promised to. While I was writing this chapter and published the other I was out of town and I used my grandma's phone and data to hotspot my laptop for a while. Somehow I managed to end them (tbh they weren't many data in the phone and I also downloaded some episodes from a netflix series I just started watching TwT ). Tho be happy because this was much longer than the other one. The fourth chapter Maybe be out sooner than y'all excepting but I dunno what to write so I don't make it boring. TwT aaaaaaaaa.
I wrote this chapter in 2 days with LibreOffice( its 3 and half pages -proud child-). :3 CYA AGAIN IN THE NEXT CHAPTERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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