One helluva guy

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I grimaced yet again when I heard a young girl swoon about me to her friend. The sweltering heat made it hard enough for anyone to walk around here, but the constant attention forced me to pull on my hoodie and tug the hood over my head.

College was luckily close to my house, so I was able to stumble into the wide hall pretty quickly and take the front seat with my hood pulled over my eyes. Nobody ever sat in the front, so it saved me from women's constant scrutiny for the rest of the day.

That is, until, someone's feet stilled near mine, and a deep, rough voice cleared their throat. 'Is someone sitting here?'

It's a boy, not a girl was the first thing that came to my mind and I sighed with relief. I shook my head and allowed him to settle beside me. I thought that would be that, until he tried to catch my attention.

'Ahem,' he cleared his throat, and a strange tingle went up my spine. His voice is hot. Damn hot. 'I understand that you probably don't enjoy social interactions, but it's my first day here and I'm really nervous. If you don't mind, could we be friends?'

His simple, childish way of approaching amused me. I've strongly believed that we are losing the art of honest communication, so I humored him with a short nod and pulled down my hood.'Sure, er...'

'Oh, it's Dae-woon. Kim Dae-woon.'

But I'm too distracted by his face to acknowledge his gorgeous name or do much else. His sharp cheekbones, rounded lips, and bright doe eyes had me swooning over him in an intense, love-at-first-sight kind of way. I vaguely sensed him waving his hand over my face before his voice dragged me back to reality.

'That's a pretty name. I'm Min Ji-ho,' I manage to say, swallowing a hard lump in my throat. The predicament I'm in almost causes me to laugh, but the overwhelming frustration quells the laughter, and I turned to face the blackboard again.

This time he remained silent, and I'm grateful for that, as it allowed me to focus on the classes for the rest of the day. I thought that would be that, and he would be annoyed enough to move on, but he tails me across the campus after classes like a lost puppy.

I'm about to turn around and tell him off, but the cute eyes he sends my way cause the harsh words to die in my throat. This is one helluva guy, and I have no idea how I ended up with him. Or what I did to deserve him, either.

'Can I walk with you back home?' he asked, clasping his hands. 'I know my way around here, so you don't need to spend extra time with me. I can drop you at your home, then walk to mine.'

'Okay, look here, Kim Dae-woon,' I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. 'I really don't know why you're insisting on sticking to me, but I'm not that great of a guy. I'm a pretty annoying one, actually. You will be much better off with the more sociable and popular guys.'

'But you're the one I want to talk to,' he whined, grabbing the sleeve of my hoodie and tugging it. 'You're just so... so cool. I feel like you would be a great friend. And I have a good instinct about attractive guys in general.'

Wait, did he say attractive guys?

It catches me so off guard that I merely nod my head and begin walking, with him rushing to keep up. True to his word, he chattered on about anything and everything, and I found myself listening to what he had to say, which surprised me. Usually, I was so miserable that my brain didn't have the energy to process other people's words.

And when we reached my home, he gave a small smile and a wave and began walking back in the same direction we came from.

'Oi!' I said, running behind him and grabbing his hand. It felt warm and rough to the touch He turned around and stared at our intertwined hands in shock, and I quickly let go with red cheeks.

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