chapter 38

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already their last day at Xiamen... already at the plane, sitted at their own respective seats...most of them where fast asleep except for cheng xiao who is busy talking to his mother Sara, Zhou Cheng on his phone and yibo that is staring at the window beside him while he reminisce the past 3 days

They enjoy themselves to the brim, specially the 3rd day where finally all is present and they rode a yacht owned by the xiao's...the older's even joked about Sean finally letting yibo go after being prisoned for 2 days

Yibo indeed is held prisoned by his Sean gege because after they have made love, and Sean have a taste of yibo, the older acted like some rabbit on rut, banging yibo non-stop


"G-ge...tired" yibo told as he tried to cover his body—body full of hickey, hand prints all over his butt and waist, and not to mention the dried cum on his chin, chest, abdomen, and thigh with some still dripping from his hole—with the duvet that is wet of their mixed seeds

"Nah seduce me kid, bear with the consequences"

If yibo could move, then he would wiped that evil smirk on Sean's face long ago...that stupid grin


And his only reason is, "because you seduce me" or "I just can't get enough of you yibo, I'm still hungry"

Though yibo, of course, enjoy it too, sometimes he just can't keep up with Sean's stamina and end up being unconscious then when he wakes up, Sean is still fucking him...he can't understand, sean is much older than him but his stamina is of that a freaking seems that their age when it comes to bed suddenly switched

"What are you thinking...?"

Yibo snapped his attention to his side where the voice is coming from, he saw Sean staring at him and the older looks like he just woke up

"Just thinking" he answered

"About university?"

"Yes" he lied

"We have still half an hour left, you should sleep"

Then Sean put yibo's head at his shoulder and yibo simply let him, leaning against Sean and seek for comfortness while Sean hum him something...a song but yibo can't put his fingers on what is it...he doze off


"Stop bothering me fanxing!" Yibo shouted, raising his voice as his mood spike up, "shut your mouth" he let out a sigh

While fanxing on the side really get shocked at yibo's outburst... he's just asking the latter about their group project, it's not something to be annoyed at so he can't understand yibo...yibo have been acting moody this past 4 weeks and fanxing bear all of it and not spoke a word but now he's going to's too much

"What the hell is your problem!? I just want our project to be finished"

Yibo glared at his side

"You're asking me..?"

"I am asking you"

"You're the problem, fanxing! Stop acting like a bee that goes 'buzz' and 'buzz'"

"Am I? Then fuck you yibo! We do our project separately...if you failed then deserve!"

Fanxing stomp his way out of the classroom with his blood boiling not bothering to look back because why would he, when the caused of the stress lines on his forehead is behind...he is about to turn to the corner when he heard a thud coming from their room...his body acted fast without him thinking and he finds himself running back...he saw yibo laying at the ground, unconscious

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