chapter 2

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"yibo gege..."different children of different height and age approached the standing yibo on the entrance of the orphanage...right,this is the place where yibo heads to...this is the place that he can call heaven...a place where he can relax and play with the children that have already a special place on his heart...Yibo squatted to the childrens height then he patted their head one by one...

"What are you doing just by now huh??"yibo ask as he lead the children inside the orphanage where they are being shielded from the intense heat of the sun and also from the skin burning light of it

"Gege....we are actually waiting for some people to come here today,but we got bored and decided to play hide and seek while waiting but then you came..."one of the children answered,and yibo can't help to giggle at their cuteness

"People..?"yibo question once the orphanage rarely got visitor through out this month of the year,the people often gives a visit when the Christmas season or new year comes as they always gives the children gifts and also donate some money to the orphanage

"Yeah...auntie said that they will gives us money so that we can buy the food that we want to eat and also beautiful clothes like those of a model in the television"a boy answered excitedly giving his boxy smile on yibo and immediately the others agreed

"Then continue your playing...I will talk to auntie for a while"yibo said and the children nooded their heads obediently and goes back to their playing while yibo reach to the back house of the orphanage where the helpers live

"Yibo...!"an old woman approach yibo and engulf him in a big tight hug once he enter the house...yibo was taken aback a little but he hug back after recovering from the shock

"My dear...what brought you here,as I remember you still have some classes at this time...don't tell me you did skipped"the old woman ask sending glares to the already blushing boy because of embarrassment in front of her...she put her both hands on her hips as she scanned yibo from head to toe

"Aiiyah...untie lam don't look at me like that,fine I skipped but it's because of my annoying girlfriend...she keeps clinging on me and I hate it!!!"yibo pouted showing his puppy eyes on mrs.lam that make the old lady to chuckle...mrs.lam then ruffles yibo's hair while giving the boy a warm smile,yibo smile back

"Why don't you break up with her then..."mrs.lam ask and yibo can't help to sigh remembering that it's the same word that his friend fanxing told him

"Scratch that...I've heard that there is some people that will come here and donate some that true auntie"yibo ask then mrs.lam nooded then he let yibo sit on the sofa inside the house while she goes to the kitchen to fetch some cold water and give it to yibo which yibo happily drink then she too sit beside him

"Yes...they call us a few days ago and said that they are going to donate some money,we are actually happy for hearing such a good news specially the children...they can't help to be on cloud nine"mrs.lam said with a genuine smile painted on her face

"But auntie..."yibo can't help to finish his words when suddenly out of nowhere mrs.lam flicked his forehead and yibo winces because of the pain it gives

"Auntie~"yibo whine while he massages his paining forehead

"Stop it...I know what's going on on that head of yours...don't worry yibo,they are good people...we already checked their background and their actually comes from a rich and well known company,and they used to donate on different orphanage helping little children"mrs.lam explained and yibo let out a heavy sigh finally believing what mrs.lam said...he then stretch his four long limbs and yawns

"You seem tired...go sleep on the guest room first"mrs.lam said which yibo nooded realizing that his indeed tired...mrs lam help yibo to stand up and carefully lead him to one of the rooms of the house and let yibo lay on the soft bed mattress,she then covered yibo with the duvet

"Auntie,wake me up when the visitor comes okay...I want to meet them personally"yibo said then again he yawned

"Okay...fine your majesty"mrs lam said sarcastically and yibo chuckles because of the old woman's tone...he closes his eyes and let the darkness engulf him


After taking a nap for a half an hour,yibo suddenly jerked awake...he look at the wall clock near him and realizes that he have been sleeping for some time and maybe the visitors are already here...he stretch his limbs again before he leaves the bed specifically the house and heads towards the orphanage using the back door

"Auntie~"he called with his still hoarse voice as he cutely rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes not aware of the pair of eyes that is currently gawking and lusting on him...he is not aware on that little junior that is now hard rock between of those long and slender legs of the man infront of him...he is not aware of that pitiful heart that is beating so fast and so loud inside that man's rib cage...he is not aware...

"Oh yibo dear...your finally awake,let me introduce to you our visitors"mrs lam said approaching the now fully awake boy,smiling at the process as she introduce one by one the three men standing infront of them. The three men with that intimidating aura that can make anyone kneel Infront of them

Yibo look at those men with his doe eyes,scanning them thoroughly...but the man standing on the middle makes his breathing hitch...dark hair that is styled so perfectly,dark pair of eye brows,almond eyes,high bridge nose with that seducing pair of lip and a visible mole under the man's lip,that sharp jaw makes yibo gulp...he travelled his eyes on that man's body,the man have a great build of body...not too muscly and not too skinny just perfect for his type...the man also have a good posture but the real thing that caught yibo's attention is the too obvious tent building on that man's trouser...he can't help but to licks his now dry lips because of the view and when yibo travel his eyes back on that man's face, he realized that the man is also looking at him back with that mischievous smirk making him blushed furiously

"Uhh..h-hi...I'm yibo,wang yibo"yibo introduce himself to the three men specifically to the man that caught his attention on the first glance...yibo can't help to mentally slapped himself for stuttering...he don't want this "stuttering kid" impression on their first meeting...he wanted to impress the man and he even don't know why

"Nice to meet you the way sean"the man on the middle which is none other than sean introduces back even though he already been introduce by mrs lam earlier...yibo nooded while he keeps his head lower as his blushing face have not subsided yet and Sean smirked because of the cute little boy

"How old are you kid"sean asked still smirking...and with him calling yibo a kid,the earlier flustered yibo become a frowning yibo...he don't want anyone referring him as a kid,his already 18 and mature enough to be called a kid

"I'm not kid...I'm already 18 so stop calling me that"yibo said annoyed looking straight to sean's almond eyes,but instead of feeling threatened sean finds yibo's antics cute and he can't help to chuckle

"Your still a kid for a 34 years old grown up man like me"sean said and yibo again becomes  furious

"You're not that old for me!!!you're handsome and you look young!!!"yibo shouted but he immediately becomes frozen on his spot realizing that he just said that sean is handsome...well it's true that sean is handsome but it's embarrassing okay,what if sean thought that yibo is already crushing on him...

"So you think I'm handsome"sean asked while smirking and yibo becomes more flustered red...even his neck is already tainted with a moderate pink blush

"S-shut up!!!"he whined then he scoff and clicked his tounge Infront of sean then finally goes to where the children are and play with them,not minding his fast beating heart and also the intense gaze of sean on his back


Another chapter for my dear/lovely readers 👏👏🎉

Xiao zhan and yibo finally meet!!!!! And it looks like our Xiao zhan is already captured by our yibo's beauty. */Squealed internally

Yibo said that he don't want to be refered as a 'kid' but he's my baby and Xiao zhan's baby 😭😭😭 He's so cute and I might die because of that. Have you seen his cheeks😩😫😫🤧

(How about your thoughts with this chapter, please comment them down!🥺)

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