chapter 34

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"really?! Wow congrats yibo!" Sean said as he smile with his eyes, he then hug yibo, racking the little boy's body

"You didn't know Sean? Its been a week since the result cames out" madam yu said...Sean looked at her direction then back at yibo again

"Sorry Sean gege...but we're facing a bad news that time" yibo said guilty, he hugged Sean tighter and pout...hoping that Sean will be soften by his cuteness and won't get mad

Sean reminisce and remember the many missed calls and text messages coming from yibo at that time...he wanted to read those messages or either call back yibo to ask 'why' but the thing slip on his mind when he got to know that cheng xiao wanted to introduce yibo on their next yibo passed the exam and wanted to tell him the good news, but instead of being happy and celebrating, he ruined his kids mood by his sudden text about the 'bad news'

He may or may not unknowingly hurt yibo

He hugged the younger one more, "I'm sorry yibo"

"Why are you saying sorry Sean ge?" yibo asked

"Nevermind...what if we celebrate this achievement of yours, a good idea isn't it" sean proposed and yibo won't say no to that

"A good idea indeed, we just open one of our resort branch on Xiamen" Mr Xiao agreed

"Yes...our family can also bond their" Mrs Xiao added and yibo and madam yu can never be happy at the idea... they're overjoyed

Specially madam yu, she is so happy seeing her in law taking care of yibo, seeing them accepting her only son and even want to bond and get to know her and her son more...her husband is surely happy too while watching them from the heaven because their son is on good hands

"Do you also like the idea yu?" Mrs Xiao turned her heads towards madam yu

Mrs Xiao considered her opinion and the woman also call her by her name, she's getting a kind and loving in laws!

"Of course, I love the idea!" She answered

"Its final... we're going to Xiamen!"


Yibo is currently walking down the hallway of his soon to be former school, as he just sign and collect some of his requirements that he needed to pass on his new university, when he felt a weight getting thrown at him

"Shit, the fuck" yibo cursed as he stumble forward because of the force

"Buddy~ come on, give me piggy back ride" fanxing said behind him...he felt the latter's arms beings wrapped around his neck and shoulder, the other's legs cling around his waist...fanxing felt so heavy

"Get off me! Why would I give you a piggy ride?!"

"Buddy you can do this, don't be weak" fanxing mocked him when yibo nearly trip at the hallway

"What do you mean weak???"

"You can't hold my weight, is this the after effect when you become a bottom of a man named Sean" fanxing teased and yibo felt like tossing the man out of this universe...the audacity to teased him like that

"Imma kill you fanxing, I heavy!!!" He groaned

Though yibo is complaining, he started to walk with fanxing on his back...gaving the man a piggy back ride...

This is what they are after all, they treat each other like siblings...and like other siblings, they bicker and fight but deep inside they care for each other...

Deep inside yibo enjoy this too...he also missed his buddy after a week full of stressed...he also thought of asking Sean if fanxing can join them to Xiamen, he hope Sean would agree

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