chapter 12

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Sean felt like his soul leave his body. He felt his energy being sucked. He felt his heart shattering into pieces. Heart that is being rip by yibo's words. He stumble on his feet,but hao xuan and jili came on time and gives him support

He can't believe yibo really said those words. He thought yibo love him,then why breaking things now. Why ending it.

He felt angered rising through his veins. He gritted his teeth while his eyes burning up as tears threatening to fall. He clenched his fist so tight that his knuckles turn white...

"No!!!yibo you can't....who gave you the right to end things huh"sean shouted. Trying to approach yibo's figure but hao xuan and jili prevent him from doing so...while yibo's body tremble a little at how scary sean looked,he shrugged his thoughts and maintain his facade

"Yibo let's talk...don't make decisions that you will regret soon"sean warned. His blood is already boiling from the anger,sean then takes a deep breath as to control his temper and hao xuan seeing his cousin calming down,he let his grip on sean's arm loosen..

"Sean...sorry,but I think this will bring good to both of us...I'm sorry,gege..."yibo said turning his back on sean as he started walking out of the place. And as his back already facing sean, yibo let his tears fall, he also don't want this to happen but sean not trusting him makes his heart burn

"Yibo!!!come back yibo...I don't need your sorry kid,come back...plss...c-come back,don't l-leave me"sean's voice broke. Tears flowing out of his almond eyes and he let himself fall on the ground. Crying his emotions out as he watch yibo's fading figure

"Bud..."hao xuan mumble, feeling pity at his cousin's condition...he never ever saw sean cry and break down like this for someone. Even when sean's ex wife left... But now,his cousin is in so much pain because of the teenage boy...sean already have fallen in love with yibo and hao xuan can clearly saw that..

"Hao xuan..what will I do...yibo...he left me"sean cried. Choking on his own tears

"Sean...don't you think yibo is r---"jili said but before he can even finish his word, a raging sean already have approach him. Fisting jili's collar, shaking the smaller boy like there's no tomorrow and at last, sean pushed jili on the ground with a great force. This make jili to scratch his palm on the ground.

"N-no!!!yibo is a kid...he didn't know what he's saying,he can't break up with me...I'll convince him"sean said with determination on his tone.

He left jili's figure on the ground,marching towards the parking lot at the back of the building...he reach his lambo,putting the engine on life

He drives his lambo out of the parking lot and unto the road,but before he can even go that far a car already block his front...sean felt annoyed specially that the car looks very familiar with him. He slap the horn so loud,almost deafening. Sean rolls the window down,peeking at the car infront

"Fuck you hao xuan...take your car out of my way!!!"sean screamed as he keeps blowing the horn

Hao xuan also roll down his his middle finger to sean

"Stupid...are you planning to chase yibo like this...huh....sean are you going to drive with anger eating your can lead you to accident"hao xuan screamed back leaving his car as he approach sean...sean didn't notice hao xuan approaching figure as he is busy with his thoughts...xuan is right,driving with his blood boiling can makes things worse,he can get into an accident and yibo will surely not forgive him if he had known that sean got into accident...

"Get out...get the fuck out"hao Xuan shouted making sean to come out of his stance. Sean open his car's door and stood straight beside hao xuan

Hao xuan can clearly see the messy appearance of his cousin...and if the situation is not that complicated then he might tease the shit out of sean,he just shrugged the thought...

"Yibo leave me...he don't love me any more...he leave me...maybe he don't want some old man as his partner...he hates me,what should I do...I've fallen xuan,fallen too deep...that I can't live without him, he's my breath hao xuan...y-yibo"sean cried,putting his head on his cousin's shoulder as he cried

Hao xuan patted sean's back,making some pattern to calm the younger one...

"Shh...dont worry,we'll get yibo back for you...I'll help you to make him back,don't cry"hao xuan said still patting sean's back.

"Mn..i-i'll take y-yibo b-back..."sean said but suddenly his figure fall on the ground leaving him unconscious

Hao xuan panicked seeing his beloved cousin fall unconscious...he lift sean on his back,putting him on the back seat of his own car...hao xuan then drive the car towards the nearest hospital leaving sean's lambo behind...

After driving for a while,hao xuan reached the hospital which actually owns by the xiao...the nurses and a doctor immediately approach them and put the unconscious sean on the stretcher...they took sean inside the hospital leaving hao xuan behind that is now having a talk with the head doctor of the hospital which sean's brother in law

"What happened to sean"sean's brother in law, liu hai kuan ask worriedly

"The reason is a complete nonsense're dear friend fall in love,and that person leave sean and tadaa~the mighty sean xiao zhan is here, unconscious..."hao xuan answered with a mocking smile plastered on his face...hai kuan actually have been so fucking worried when he saw sean on the stretcher but hearing this, finally he felt relieved that it's not that serious

"Do you mean because of heartbreak? Is he dating someone? Nevermind, don't worry, they'll take care of him...I still have my patients to check, see you when I see you" hai kuan said then he bowed to hao xuan before he left, leaving hao xuan behind

"Woow... people really love leaving me huh" hao xuan mumble to himself. He comes inside the hospital too, specifically on the room where sean is...he open the door,and he can clearly see a doctor checking his cousin's health

"How is he doctor"he asked

"Nothing to worry...he fell unconscious because of too much fatigue plus the overwhelming stress....he will wake up in a minute"said the doctor and left the room

Hao xuan looked at his laying cousin. Sean's face become pale,and there's still a trace of tears on his cheeks...he can't help but to sigh

"You're so hopeless buddy"he said


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