Part - 48 Plot Negotiations

Start from the beginning

"I figured." Daniel said,

"But how did it end up with Prinz Eugen?"

"Well, considering you know the history Daniel, you should know who got the fragments." The Cube said

"Uhhhhh, okay.... History.

what does history have to do with bits of glowy cubes?" Daniel said.

"A lot actually."

"Us wisdom cubes are actually essences of human beings.

Some are lucky, since humans got ahold of wisdom cubes, some of them had the privilege of being merged with ships from the Second World War.

Like your girlfriend Bismarck back there." The cube said, rather smartly

"How many times do have to day that she isn't my girlfriend???!" Daniel said, getting rather frustrated

"Ara ara, looks like somebody is having a heated conversation, ehehehehe!" Prinz Eugen said, still intoxicated


Bismarck slapped her once again across the face, really hard.

"Poor Bismarck isn't coded to interact with real human beings, this is completely new to her." The cube said

Okay, now all kinds of 4th walls are being broken now.

Luckily, Bismarck was shouting her lungs out at Prinz, so she wasn't able to hear their conversation

"Real humans?" Daniel said,

"Look in a mirror, you have regular-sized eyes, gaps in your teeth, a distinguishable nose..."

"Wait a second cube, if this is an anime game, why do you know what a real person looks like??" Daniel whispered.

"It's fun to have a peek into other universes from time to time, being a metaphysical object has its perks"

"Unfortunately, those most loathsome sirens figured out my ability to actually see outside of my universe.

To finally figure out just how menial my existence was.

Us wisdom cubes weren't powerful objects, but rather a currency in a mobile video game,

We were nothing but ones and zeros in a screen, just waiting to be transformed.

My whole life, as a human, and as a wisdom cube, was a complete and total lie.

The sirens were trying to keep this secret from escaping, to try and keep souls like me contained

They see us all as playthings, toys, lab rats

And when one of their playthings finds out the truth? even just one or two people, and they find out about the meaning of their perpetual existence?"

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