Hawaii (3)

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Scene : At hotel lobby

Cameron : What did you do today?

Mitchell : I napped.

Cameron : You did?

Mitchell : I haven't napped in years.

Cameron : Yeah, it feels good, doesn't it?

Mitchell : Mm-hmm. Good and weird.

Cameron : Kind of like that one nozzle in the infinity pool.

Mitchell : I wouldn't know. Phil was hogging it.

Cameron : Is it me, or is Lily more relaxed, too?

Mitchell : Oh, yes. She is. I think it's because she's really picking
up on our energy. You know, it's like, if we're tense, she's gonna be tense. And I think we need to bring this new energy home.

Cameron : It's gonna make us better parents. Lily! Oh! Oh! You let the...

Mitchell : What? What happened?

Cameron : You didn't bring her out!

Mitchell : I thought you had her. I thought you had her.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At Dinner table

Phil : Come on. Let me paint you.

Claire : Oh, sweetie, that is so creepy. Where is everyone?

Manny : Okay, let me just say what everyone's thinking. My
jacket's a mess. It wouldn't be, But someone used the iron to make
grilled cheese.

Luke : I had bread, I had cheese, and I had an iron. What was I
supposed to do?

Phil : Kids, kids... We don't care.

Gloria : Hola. Hola.

Claire : Hi.

Phil : Hey.

Gloria : I'm sorry I'm late. Where is Jay?

Claire : He's not with you?

Gloria : No, he came down a long time ago.

Phil : Oh, don't worry. I'll go have a look around.

Gloria : Oh, he's probably in the ocean trying to pull a tugboat
with his teeth.

Claire : Well, look who decided to join us. And where is your

Alex : She is in our bathroom throwing up.

Claire : Well, what happened?

Alex : You're not going to like this as much as I do, but... She's

Claire : I knew I never should have let her go.

Gloria: Go, go!

Luke : That's awesome.

Manny : Guaranteed our bathroom is still messier.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At hotel lobby

Mitchell (panicking) : Where is the elevator?
Cameron (panicking) : Where?! I don't know! I'm taking the stairs!

Mitchell : Lily, we're coming for you.

Phil : Hey, you. Where you headed?

Claire : Well, remember earlier, in the pool, when you convinced
me to let Haley go next door With complete strangers?

Phil : And you were totally on board, yeah.

Claire : Mm-hmm, yeah, well, she got drunk, and now she's
upstairs throwing up.

Phil : But she's just a kid. Who would serve her?

Claire : We did, honey... on a silver platter. Look, you convinced
me to relax and let go, and now this happens.

Phil : I'm sorry, but we... we shouldn't feel bad about wanting a little time for ourselves.

Claire : Sweetie, this isn't a honeymoon. We have kids. You have got to let this go. From now on, I am not losing sight of them for two seconds. Nothing gets past me. (Ironically Lilly in elevator doesn't caught Claire's eyes)

Gloria : Did you find Jay? I'm getting worried.

Phil : I'm sorry. I have to deal with Haley.

Claire : No. You know what, sweetie? I will deal with Haley. You go see if you can find dad.

Phil : I'll look for him out there.

Gloria (Sees Lily when elevator opens again) : Lily, where are you going, huh?

(Cut the scene)

Scene : In hotel room's bathroom

Claire : Oh, my god.

Haley : I'm so sorry. Oh, my god.

Claire : Wow, what were you thinking?

Haley : One of the kids had an I.D., and she bought some drinks.

Claire : Mm-hmm.

Haley : I tried one and then another one. It was stupid.

Claire : Yes. Yes, it was stupid. But you are really lucky that this
did not end as badly as it could have. This is why we always say
to you, "when you drink, you make bad decisions."

Haley : I know. I know. I just...

Claire : One minute, you're having wine coolers at homecoming,
and the next... The game of "truth or Claire" sweeps your high

Haley : Thanks for not yelling at me.

Claire : Oh, honey... That would just be cruel. I'll wait till you feel
better to yell.

Haley : I don't think I'll ever feel better. Does this happen every
time you drink?

Claire : Yes. Yes, it does.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At Hammock outside hotel lobby

Phil : Jay?

Jay : Over here.

Phil : Hey. Hey. What are you doing?

Jay : I'm stuck. I laid down. My back went out.

Phil : Oh, well, don't you worry. We're gonna get you out of here.
Grab on.

Jay : You know, Phil, this might not be the best...

Phil : No, no, no, no, no. I'm just gonna rock you. Like a hurricane. I'm kidding. You're too old to get that. Here we go.

Jay : Wait, why don't you just get someone who works here?

Phil : No, this is gonna work.

Jay : And...Oh! Ooh, wow! It's spasming. Don't move. Don't move.

Phil : No. I don't want to get...

Jay : Um...

Phil : By the way, I just want to thank you for this trip. It's really
been the vacation of a lifetime.

Woman : Oh...

Phil : Nothing weird. Aloha. I keep my wallet in my front pocket,
so that's... That's what that is.

Jay : Neck going...

Phil : I'm sorry.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : In the hotel lobby

Mitchell : Anyone! Anyone, help!

Cameron : Security! Seal off the island!

Mitchell : This way. This way. Lily!

Cameron : Lily!

Gloria : you looking for someone?

Mitchell : Lily. We were so worried. We just got distracted. We're idiots.

Gloria : Ay. Don't beat yourself up. I used to lose Manny all the
time. Now I lost your father. These things happen.

Cameron : She's right, you know.

Mitchell : Did she say my father's missing?

Cameron : Hmm?

(Meanwhile Phil and Jay is walking towards rest of the family)

Phil : We say we'll make time, but life gets in the way. I mean, I
know we're parents, But can't we be lovers, too?

Jay : This may be my worst birthday ever.

Gloria : There you are.

Jay : Oh, hi, honey. Hey.

Phil : He was stuck in a hammock. It was actually really funny. I
was on top of him for like 20 minutes.

Jay : You need to go now.

Phil : Good night.

Jay : Honey. My back seized up.

Gloria : Yeah, because you overdid it after that phone call about your father.

Jay : I can't believe I'm as old as he was. Let me sit down here.
You'd have liked him, my old man.

Gloria : I'm sure.

Jay : And he'd have loved you. My god. That guy was a charmer.

Gloria : Mm, I know the type.

Jay : Yeah, we had a lot of fun. But I'll tell you something. Our
family vacations were nothing like this here. One week a year in a rented cottage on lake erie, Spiders this big. I just wish he could have seen how things turned out.

Gloria : Well, if you keep going like this, Maybe you can tell him
yourself. Or I can tell him, because you're about to kill me, Jay. My legs, my arms, my back... everything is sore.

Jay : So, I wore you out, huh?

Gloria : Oh, no, no, no. Don't get cocky, old man. When I sit down, I can still get up.

Jay : Hey. Hey.

Gloria : Okay. Come on.

Jay : Come here. Come here.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Next evening at lawn

Phil : I think I just expected a little too much from this vacation.

Claire : You were so sweet to try.

Phil : It was dumb. Like you said, the thrill is gone.

Claire : I never said that.

Phil : No, it's over. But wait. Put a few seconds back on the clock.
The kid still has a few moves.

Claire : Oh, my god.

Phil : I figured out why we couldn't have a honeymoon. Because we never had a wedding.

Claire : Oh, my god.

Phil : I still can't tell if you think this is lame or cool.

Claire : I think it's incredibly cool.

Jay : Looks like I finally get to walk you down the aisle.

Claire : Daddy!

Jay : Ow! You better walk me.

Claire : Okay. I'll try.

Minister : We're here today to celebrate the renewing of the
marriage vows of Phil and Claire. On this day, they've chosen to
reaffirm their love for each other. You may kiss your bride.

Claire : Oh!

Minister : I present to you, still as husband and wife, Mr. And Mrs.

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