Hawaii (2)

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Scene : In hotel lobby

Mitchell : Well, it is a big one the lavender ranch, Where they
grow 45 different varieties of lavender. 45.

Phil : You hear that, kids? 45 different varieties. Yeah, I can't sell that. Go with god.

Cameron (rather awkward) : Oh, well, more lavender for us.


Cameron : When Mitchell and I first met, I may have exaggerated
my interest in adventurous travel by implying that I had any. But
it's one of the things he loves most about me, And I can't tell him
the truth now. It would be like Lewis telling Clark That he didn't
like to walk. Side note... We're very good friends with a couple
named Lewis and Clark. Clark bought a big, sparkly belt in New
Orleans that he calls his "Louisiana purchase."

(Back to the scene)

Alex : So, you still switched the room huh!

Me : Oh..yey. I can't stand them. I would like to do some work after I go into my room.

Alex : What are you working now?

Me : Just some business stuff.

Alex : You do realise that doing business at your age is very unusual not to mention owning a company. Now you look like someone doing 9 to 5 job or something.

Me : Highly unusual. And not one but two. But what can I say; I like what I'm doing and it gives me a sense of purpose and raises my adreline to new normal.

Haley : Sense of purpose?! What....are you into some sort of monk stuff!

Me : No.... Just ' I'm a legend' stuff.

Hayley : Very funny, "Ha ha ha".

Man : Aloha. Hi. Sorry, folks. This pool is for adults only.

Alex : Aw.

Phil : Don't turn around.

Claire : What?

Phil : Trust me. Just keep walking.

Haley : Wait. Where are you guys going? Guys? What just

Me : Nothing, it's just we are on our own.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Outside hotel

Mitchell : Ooh, so, we can drink lavender tea while eating
lavender scones.

Cameron : Oh, neat. So is this an all-day thing, or...

Mitchell : Oh, no. I know what you're thinking, Cam. Don't worry
- we'll still have time for the whaling village.

Cameron : Oh. Good. So...

Mitchell : Okay.

Cameron : I can't.

Mitchell : What?

Cameron : I-I don't want to go. I know I said I'm not a stay-by-the-
pool type of guy, but I really am, Mitchell.

Mitchell : What are you saying?

Cameron : I'm saying that I like adventure, but not every minute
of every day. Can you just go by yourself?

Mitchell : But the lavender ranch... It's... it's something two men are meant to do together.

Bus driver : On or off, folks?

Mitchell : Well, I'm on.

Cameron : I'm off.

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