[Ben's basically playing Dragon Soul by NateWantsToBattle on a tesla coil]

After flying around rocking out the horns on his head started searching the airwaves for his alternative selfs phone.

"Ben pick-up." Kirby said through the signals.

The phone immediately hung up and Kirby searched for someone familiar.

"Hey Julie?"

"Ben what are you calling me for?" Julie asked.

"I'm not the Ben from this universe, I need to just run some differences what's different in this reality." Kirby said "Ben...he's gonna need some support."

Julie made a noise and said "If you really are a different Ben meet me at the tennis court, oh and if your Albedo Ship has-"


Kirby activated the signal again "Did you just hang up on me?!"

"Yeah new guy has a built in phone." Kirby said

Tennis Court

Julie watched a giant ape like creature riding a cloud decend gracefully a safe distance from her and Ship.

"Ship!" Ship shouted turning.

"Monkey King?" Julie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Storm Trekker," Kirby said bowing "At your service A?"

"Green eyes, Green symbol..." Julie started before she immediately turned and bent over to get something from her bag. She was not subtle when she had let her skirt flick up giving Kirby a look at the emerald green underwear.

"OOO-AAA." Kirby started pounding his hands on the ground making noises getting a chuckle from Julie.

"Alright checks out, you are Ben." Julie says.

"Why the flashing?" Trixie asked.

"Gwen said Albedo finds human mating practices disgusting so good way to check is flashing or any affection. I'm not kissing you to check so second option." Julie said.

"You could have Ship get a gene scanner." Kirby said.

"Why are you against this method?" Trixie asked.

"Because even though she dumped me I hate the thought of anyone seeing that tight well toned ass." Kirby says.

"You dumbed me." Julie said pointing at him "Also who is she?"

"This is Trixie OS of my Matrix." Kirby said.

"Ship?" Ship looked up.

"Trix." Trixie said similar.



"Ship Ship!"

"He's happy to meet another machine." Trixie says "Also you might wanna get him some metals to snack on."

"Good to know, so what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Universe differences."

"Ok let's sit and talk." Julie said.

Standing in front of Julie was definitely not the boy she had dated.

Standing at around Kevin's height, arms like pythons and a goatie stood Ben Tennyson.

Standing at around Kevin's height, arms like pythons and a goatie stood Ben Tennyson

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