Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

I stayed silent and defeatedly sat down . His phone rang and he answered it.


There was a pause and his eyes darted towards me.

"Thank you. I assume I paid you guys?"


"Excellent, you know what to do with the body."

And with those last words, he ended the call.

"As of 7:00 PM, Marcus Armstrong is dead."

My heart began to beat faster. I began to take in exasperated breaths and automatically broke out into tears.

"We set up his resignation as a teacher at 5. His body will never be found."

My tears couldn't stop pouring. I felt as if everything was because of me. I couldn't help this feeling of utter guilt. I can't believe it.

"Don't worry, Suzy."

I got up and ran out of the living room to the guest room. I slammed the door behind me and sat on the bed.

I can't blame them. Bryce and Cole has done literally everything for me. They were always there... but to take someone's life... For me. That's too far. Bryce went to go take a walk and have a couple of smokes, but I know he was sad about this.

To them, however, justice has been served. Why couldn't they just throw him in jail? Oh my goodness, it's almost December and someone died because of me.

How will I cope with life? I laid on the soft pillow and didn't realize I was falling asleep until I refused to sit up.


Cole's P.O.V.

I don't understand how Suzy thinks what I've done is wrong. It's far from it. He deserved it. This man himself ate his girlfriend, I mean, who the hell does that? An eye for an eye, but to him, he'd think that's delicious.

But as Gandhi said, an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind, so what can I say?

I have no regrets, and I never will. I heard the sound of the door and walked to the front.

"Hey man." I said looking at Bryce.

"She's in her room, isn't she?" he mumbled.


"She'll get over it soon, don't worry. She knows deep down that the bastard deserved it."

"I just feel bad, not for the douche, but for her."


"She went through so much in her life, yet she'd forgive someone that took away the only thing she had left."

"I don't know, but she needs to toughen up. She can't let people throw her around like this, Cole."

"I'm trying so hard. I want her to be happy, but it's really hard to please her."

"Remember when you had a crush on her?" teased Bryce, his lips curled up into a smirk, "You offered her one hundred dollars out of the blue and she declined it faster than you could say rejected."

"Ouch." I mumbled.

That really did hurt. I can remember that memory as clear as day. Even now, not to be a Bryce, that I'm sexy as fuck with washboard abs, she still doesn't want me.

Now that Armstrong is out of the way, Romano will take her away from me. But why is she caught up with teachers? She's way too good for then, and she of all people should know that dating a teacher is illegal.

"Dude, you seem to be deep in thought."

"I am..." I mumbled, "I worked my ass off to look like this, yet... She still doesn't like me."

"Of course in a brotherly way of course."

I rolled my eyes and finished the beer, going into the kitchen for another. I stumbled a little and groaned. What, I had like eleven and I'm acting up.

Shit, dad would be ashamed. That man can down 20 beers in one go and still be sober.

I took out another and stumbled on the counter. I indirectly killed someone. I could only imagine the look of horror on his face as he was killed. A smirk lit up my face and I opened the bottle. I downed it in a couple of gulps and grabbed another.

"Cole, you have to stop."

I turned around and grimaced at Bryce.

"You probably fucked some girl in a bush, piss off." 

"Yep, you definitely had enough."

"Are we going to school tomorrow?" asked Bryce.

I thought for a second, even in my drunk state, I know that not attending school will be a bad idea. They'll eventually find out that he's been missing, even though he resigned.

"We should go." I stumbled a little and my beer bottle dropped out of my hand, "L-"

"Don't you dare call her." said Bryce with a frown, "You already know she has to clean over thirty beer bottles and cans a day, clean this one yourself."

"No it's okay." I heard her voice from behind, "He's right, it's my job."

"But L-"

"Don't you but me. Get out, I got this." she said with a smile, "And help your brother."

I got up and rolled my eyes.

"I can handle myself, thank you very much."


Suzy's P.O.V.

The room was pitch black. I couldn't see anything around me, but I could feel the soft sheets under me. I softly sighed and shook my head. I couldn't help but feel slightly relieved... guilty, but relieved. The person who troubled my life was gone, well, one of them. I cried... for nothing. I didn't even have a nightmare. It's like... it's over.

Marcus was gone, dead and gone. I shouldn't feel bad, I should be happy. Cole helped me to rid one more person who negatively affected the world. He was famine, plague. Everywhere he went, he would cause destruction.

What the fuck is going on with my mind? I sat up and glanced at the time, frowning when it read 3:11 AM. I sat back down and rested my head on the pillow.

I have to thank Cole and Bryce, the guilt... it's slowly fading away. Why feel guilty? He had it coming for him, he ate his girlfriend and nothing happened to him. If anything, I could've been next.

I definitely have to see Miguel tomorrow.

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