After Party

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Chapter 33

Backstage was crazy busy! People were running left and right yelling where's this....where's that. Kenya almost got trampled more then a few times. I couldn't take it anymore. There was an empty dressing room in the back and I pulled Kenya in.

"I can't handle the constant moving around." I shake my head.

"Cheer competitions are a thousand times worse."

"As you can see, I don't cheer."

"When you perform on all of those fancy instruments you play doesn't that happen?"

"They are usually classical concerts so everything is proper."


"Shut up."

She pulls out her purse and takes out another mini bag.

"Oh no, Kenya. You didn't bring your-"

"Yep. World famous lip gloss bag."

"Ugh." I groan as she adds 5 different glosses on.

"Isn't that stuff sticky?"

"Yeah? So?"

"Ha! You and Ray's lips going to be stuck together!"

"Is not. And what's wrong with that?"


"Shouldn't be talkin. You and your boo be smackin mouths all day."

"Not like that!"

"Beats me."

Kenya goes back in front of the mirror and fixes herself. She is wearing a Ray Ray's #1 Girl cut off with denim shorts. I am wearing a white Jimi Hendrix sleeveless and high waisted leather shorts.

"Do you know when the concert ends?" I ask.

"About ten."


"What's wrong with you?"

"Kinda don't wanna be here."

"But shouldn't you be supporting your boyfriend?"

"I'm not supporting the idea that we can't be seen in public like that together cause Team Mindless is going to rip us to shreads."

"Why the fear then? You know he will always protect his little princess." She laughs and flips my hair.

"Ha. Ha. But I seen what they are capable of. Remember all that drama with Ray and Star?"

"They called her blue bird! Got me DYYIIIIINNN!!!!!!!!!" Kenya breaks out laughing. I start laughing too. "Okay, it was funny. But still. Don't want that to happen to me."

"Maybe there's an after party. I can go ask."



She leaves. I lay on top of the counter and close my eyes. It's been a stressful week. Where's my vacation? The door creaks and my eyes open. Kenya peaks her head in.



"Ummm I'm gonna hang with Ray a bit before the show.."

"Are you leaving me?"

"He's in the dressing room. UNdressed. Please Maya for me?"



She disappears. Sighing, I close my eyes. Didn't expect falling in a deep slumber....

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