Chapter 16

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When Hans cocked the gun, Fin had very few milliseconds to respond and or react. So, he did what any other human being would do.

He lunged at Hans and tackled the guy to the ground. 

Natty's eyes widened and she cracked the whip at the other bodyguard. She jumped up and snapped the whip around, pulling it around the guard's neck. 

Fin kicked the gun out of Hans's hand and grabbed his sword. We went to stab down when the pilot of the plane jumped up and put the plane in auto pilot. He grabbed Fin and shoved him against the wall, yelling in German.

Natty roundhouse kicked the guard down and looked to see Fin pinned against the wall. Hans was getting up and held his gun up at him, and Natty felt her heart slip.


She grabbed the whip and smacked it at the gun, knocking it out of Hans's hand. She ran over and tackled the pilot. 

She kicked his head and Fin grabbed her.


Hans looked frustrated and ready to snap as he had a foot over the casket of the Kush King. Natty's eyes widened as the plane door behind them was open, and Hans ready to push the casket out.

"I am very tired of zis Jones!" He roared. 

"I am too!"

Natty looked at Fin and stared at him. He nodded his head and shrugged. 

"You did pull me into this situation somehow."

"They were going to come for you idiot!" Natty yelled. "You were an alibi!" 


Natty clenched her fists and glared at him. "SO?! ARE YOU—"

Fin chucked his sword past Hans and into the cockpit. He ran over and tackled Hans to the ground and jumped into the piloting seat, and switched it off of auto pilot. 

Natty looked up and ran for the casket and pushed it away, understanding Fin's plan. He had seen Hans started to push the casket, so he pulled a diversion that involved getting Natty worked up so she could scream at him, making Hans question what he was doing and what they were doing.

Hans grabbed the casket and stated to pull the other side as Natty kicked him in the head. 

He flung back and looked up with angry eyes. 

"You Jones's don't know ven to quite!" He yelled pulling out a gun. 

Natty pulled her's out and held it up. She pointed it at his chest as he gave a smirk. 

"Jones, think, fortune  and glory." He said with a smirk. "Your grandfazer knew that." 

Natty cocked the gun and shook her head. "Not like that."

Fin jerked the plane as Natty and Hans fell. He dropped his gun as it went flying off of the opened door behind him. He looked up with wide eyes as Natty had jumped over the casket and held her gun up at him. 

"Think, everyzing  vas for you. We need each other Jones. You kill me, and worse will come to you."

"Try me." Natty said firmly. "You already killed the people I cared about. Try me."

Hans gave a smirk and smiled. "Indiana Jones is dead. Mariam Jones is dead. Sallah... will die, and so will Henderson."

Natty looked back at Fin as Hans tackled her to the ground. He grabbed her gun and punched her in the head and threw the fedora off of her head.


Natty tried to break free as Hans got him, but he put a foot on her stomach and started to put all of his weight on her. 

Natty screamed in pain as he pointed the gun at her. 

"Say goodbye Jones."

A gunshot sounded and and Natty stared. Hans looked up along with Natty. Fin held a riffle in his hands as he lowered it.

"Get off of my woman, and go to hell." 

Hans fell back as his eyes widened he looked at his shirt as blood started to poor out of it. He looked up and stumbled backwards to the open door and looked at Natty.

"You've only taken ze body, not ze head."

Hans fell backwards out of the plane as Fin walked over. He dropped the riffle and looked at Natty with wide eye as he helped her up. 

She yelled in pain as Fin set her on the casket and laid her back. 

"Are you alright? He's a big guy." He said softly. 

Natty nodded and gasped for air as Fin closed the plane door. He walked back over and lifted Natty's shirt over her stomach and shook his head. 

"Sit tight, don't move." He said hiding wory.

Natty nodded as Fin walked back to the cockpit of the plane. Natty gasped for air and looked at her stomach. It was brushed and she could see liquid from under her skin. 

Natty groaned in pain as she touched her stomach before letting out a small yelp. 

Fin came running back and looked at her. 

"Natty, listened to me! Stop moving, you have a ruptured kidney!"

Natty looked up and nodded and laid back down. Fin looked at her carefully and bit his lip. 

"You'll be fine." H e said more to himself. "We just need to get you back to America."

Indiana Jones and the Lost Kingdom of Kush// Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant