Chapter 6

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Natty hit her head against the prison wall. She slept for about an hour and it was starting to catch up to her. Girls need sleep.

Natty heard a small groan and looked up to see Fin sit up. He rubbed his head carefully where a black and blue bruise was on his pale freckled face.

"What... what happened?"

"You got drunk."

"Yeah, no duh. I thought we had a deal with that man— who captured us." Fin said softly.

"Hans." Natty said softly. "His name is Hans, and well... people lie." Natty said with an eye roll. "People always lie."

Fin gave a slight nod as Natty went back to hitting her head against the cell wall.

"Why are you hitting your head exactly?"

"To erase memories." Natty explained firmly.

Fin was silent for a moment. "You do know that that is biologically impossible to achieve like that right?"

Natty rolled her eyes and fixed her round rose gold glasses. "Yes I do. Might as well try though."

Fin raised an eyebrow but nodded. He stood up and tried to balance himself out. He winced and closed his eyes and gave a sigh.

"How drunk was I?"

"Depends on how drunk you get." Natty said eyeing him.

"I'll take that as a, I was very drunk and screaming random stuff." Fin said softly, rubbing his head.

Natty nodded, and laid back on the floor as footsteps approached.

"What was I yelling?"

Natty shrugged. "Something about being sorry to your dad about your mom... dying." Natty said looking over at him.

Fin looked down and nodded. "Alright... and erm... sorry. I just thought—"

"I know. I for—."

Natty stopped herself unable to let the worlds leave her mouth. Fin gave a small smile and tilted his head carefully.

"You wut?"

Natty groaned as she mumbled under her breath.

Fin smirked and placed a hand to his ear. "Sorry, can't here mumbles Jonsey." He teased.

"I forgive you!" Natty snapped jumping up.

She walked up to him and pointed at him angrily. "And you better know that this is the ONLY time I will forgive you. Your were drunk."

"Good, and I hope you know that this will not be the only case of when I mocks and tease you." He said with a smirk.

Natty rolled her eyes. She wanted to punch him, but couldn't bring herself to do it. Natty groaned and sat down. She grabbed a handful of peanuts from the peanuts sack like and threw them at Fin.

"Really? Peanuts?"

"Yes." Natty snapped angrily.

Fin gave her a small smile before turning away. A door opened and men walked through holding guns. Hans walked in behind them and smiled.

"Ah Ms Jones! I see you are ready for ze flight eh?"

Natty raised an eyebrow and stared. "Flight?"

"Yes, ve can't go to Sudan by boat. Stupid idea." He said charismatically. Hans looked around to the men. "Vell open the door! They can't get out on their our own!"

The men nodded and pulled out a key, and unlocked the door. Before Natty could make a run for it they grabbed her and held her back from running away. They grabbed Fin, who struggled to walk.

"Is he still drunk?" Hans asked with amazement.

Fin shook his head. "I have you know I'm perfectly fin— I mean fine!" Fin snapped.

Natty rolled her eyes and glared at Fin. "Your hungover moron." Natty snapped.

"Says who?"

"Says me!"

"You don't count." Fin said with an eye roll.

"Yes I do!"

"SHUT UP!" Hans snapped. He then looked at the two and smiled. "Seriously it is like you two vere made for each other."

"No." Natty snapped quickly. "Never in a million years."

"Yeah... a-agreed." Fin said softly, looking down.

The two were thrown onto a cargo plane as Hans want onto his luxury plane. The two's hands were tied behind their backs.

 Natty strained as she tried to untie herself. Her grandfather's brown leather fedora flopped over her eyes and she groaned. She flipped the hat off with her head as it fell into her lap.

Natty stared at it, as guilt flooded her.

"Oi, Jonsey?"

Natty looked up at Fin who looked at her carefully. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Natty snapped.

Fin nodded and stared at her as the plane took off.

Natty sat there uncomfortably, but at least she wasn't alone. She glanced over at Fin who was opening a box with his nose.

"Impressive." Natty said under her breath.

Fin looked up and gave a small smile. "Erm... thanks." He said softly.

Natty nodded as Fin went back to his... nose opening box thing. Natty sighed and stared off into space. She didn't know where she was, or even who she was. Was she supposed to be like her grandfather?

If so, she was doing a horrible job at it. Natty doubted he ever got into situations like this.

"No bloody way." Fin said softly.

"What?" Natty said looking over.

Fin nodded to the box. Natty looked up as a sliver sword laid there.

He looked up and smiled at me.

"I have a plan."

Indiana Jones and the Lost Kingdom of Kush// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now