Chapter 11

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Hans left with a grin to wipe the blood from his white tux. Natty strained in her chair as she tried to break from from the robes. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed in sorrow and anger.

"Natty, please just calm down! You'd body could go into a—"

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" She snapped at Fin.

Fin stared for a second and looked down.

"Natty I'm so sorry. You just lost your grandmother. I understand your pain."

"Don say that! She's not dead!" Natty sobbed.

"Natty she—"


A silence was there for a bug as Natty sobbed silent tears.


Natty looked up as her breath shook. Fin's eyes widened as a small smile crossed his pale freckled face.


"Fin? Natty?"

Sallah emerged fully dressed like one of the German soldiers.

"Oh Natty!"

He ran over and untied Fin and her, and Natty hugged him.

"Natty what's wrong?"

Natty hugged Sallah tightly as she repeated, "She's not dead", over and over and over.

Sallah let go of Natty and turned as his eyes fell on Miriam's lifeless body. He let the air out from his lungs as his eyes widened.


"She's not dead!" Natty sobbed. "Fin prove it!"

"I can not prove life in death." He said softly.

Natty glared knives into him as she leapt to Miriam's side. She shook her grandmother's lifeless body as she sobbed.

"FIN DO SOMETHING!" She begged, remembering he was a biologist.

Fin walked over and knelt down by Natty as she sobbed violently. His blue eyes started to tear up from the fact he knew he couldn't help her.

Fin placed his hands to Miriam's wrist and neck as he checked for a pulse.

"Natty, she's dead."

Natty broke down in more tears than were thought to be possible.

Fin looked at her carefully and wrapped an arm around her and pulled Natty close. Sallah walked over and put a hand on the two's shoulder and shook his head,

"We must go on." He said softly.

Natty nodded carefully as Fin helped her up.

Sallah led them outside to a camel that had a small box attached to it. It 2as just large enough for Natty to hide under.

"You two go under it."

"Two? It has room for one though." Fin said softly.

"Do what I say and when I say it. I know what I'm doing." Sallah snapped.

Natty and Fin nodded as they stuffed into the small tent thing. Fin looked to Natty and gave a small smile.

"Well hello there."

"Not the time." Natty snapped with a shake.

Fin looked down but back up. He gave her a smile and put a hand on Natty's cheek. She locked up and her light brown eyes locked with his blue ones.

"You will  be alright."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know you."

Indiana Jones and the Lost Kingdom of Kush// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now