[Ch.5] Taking Sides

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"My names Ivy, this is Milo." The out of breath girl points to a person with long, fluffy hair. Stellar and Lily nod at them, the only ones acknowledging the two. Milo stayed quiet but waved to the others with a small smile. They seemed to now notice the dripping water from their jacket and took it off, holding onto it for now as the droplets fell.

"Ashlynn. This is my twin bro, Jasper!" The other girl introduces herself, pointing to her brother who just gave a firm nod and affirming grunt. Both of their ears twitched simultaneously.

Barely anyone else introduced themselves, the people who did being Stellar, Lily, a kid named Addie, another kid named Karmi, and surprisingly enough, the kid who just about almost had a panic attack on the ground earlier— IT.

It seems everyone else didn't want to share names. But at least now they would know some people.

If the four were bothered about the lack of introductions, they didn't really show it. Minus the angry glare Jasper would give everybody but all just assumed that's just his resting-bitch -face.

"So... what's going on exactly? Everyone seems panicky." Ivy asked, her hands clasped together in front of her. Stellar gestured to the ceiling where everyone could see the lights were off.

"We're going through a bit of trouble here. I don't think it's best for you to stay here. We've also got to get out of here anyways." Stellar finished her thoughts.

"We're not leaving without Lucky!" Lily shouts loudly, startling some people.

A girl with dirty blonde hair approached her and held her tightly in a hug as a means to calm her down. Lily held onto the other girl tightly as if she would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"We'll we can't just wait for her to show up!" The brown haired girl that—god somebody ask her for her name— gathered everyone spoke up. Lily turned to her in a flash, suddenly looking as if she would start a fight. Allen held her back just in case, well, she just held her in place since it didn't seem to take much effort.

"Who are you anyway?" Somebody from the crowd—Thank you— asked.

"I don't see how that's any of your business." The brown haired girl threw back.

Everyone went silent, some giving the girl a glare. She sighed and used a hand to rub the bridge of her nose in concentration.

"Rainbow. You happy?" She threw her hands up in mock excitement as if she were a performer from a circus.

"I'm Graze!" Her companion from earlier had basically appeared by her side and waved to the group. Rainbow said nothing but bit her lip as if she was trying to hold in a smile.

"Well Rainbow, we're not leaving until everyone in this room in accounted for." Stellar stated, gathering a lot of murmurs from the entire group.

"We're going to die sooner like this!" Somebody shouted from the crowd. "Yeah!" There were a bunch of murmurs of agreement.

"It's only until we find Lucky. We'll just group up that way no one else will get lost. If someone finds Lucky, alert everyone so we can get out of here." Stellar explained her small, quick plan.

There was more chatter before some people just decided to do it. They would rather find Lucky than go out into the rising storm without a group to watch over them.

Some people barely noticed a group of four boys slip by everyone to go to up the staircase once again. But Rainbow noticed.

She said nothing.

"Just stick with your group and if you don't already, find a light source." Stellar concluded.

She then turned to Lily, Rainbow, and Graze. "You guys are with me." She stated without giving them much of a choice. Well, only Lily had a choice.

Allen had noticeably went over to Milo and Ivy, seemingly deciding to go with them since they didn't know the rest of the place. They seemed to agree. Lily didn't go join them though, it was like she was so frozen in place she didn't even register Allen had left.

Jasper and Ashlynn were nowhere to be found. Well, until Stellar spotted them. They had gone over to two others. A tall white haired boy and the lost boy from earlier, Mint. The taller male must be Silas. Stellar winced a bit at an aggravated comment that was directed to Jasper from Silas, but the group seemed to ignore it. At least Ashlynn and Mint seemed to be getting along together well. The group left down a narrow hallway shortly after their conversation stopped.

How come Stellar never noticed that pathway? She brushed off the feeling and looked toward Eleanor who suddenly came up to her. "You want to join us, love?" Stellar asked her girlfriend who nodded in silent confirmation and took hold of one of Stellar's hands tightly.

Silently it seemed people were forming groups which was the good thing. Eleanor shifted her hold to Stellar's arm, resting her cheek against it for a minute.

"Where should we go look?" Graze asked, getting a small glance to him from Lily, although it held no anger. "There's not many places she would go without me." Lily sniffled at the end of her sentence and rubbed her face with her sleeve.

"Well, maybe we should look on the floor she was lost on. Perhaps she stumbled into a wrong room. What floor, Lily?" Stellar put a reassuring hand on the girls upper back, rubbing it lightly to comfort her.

"We were on the third floor." She says and looks up to the ceiling as if it were right there.

"Well then, that's where we'll start." Stellar says. Rainbow decides to take the lead along with Graze so Stellar doesn't lose sight of them. Of course everyone was going to be skeptical of the two, they seemed to know a bunch of possibilities that could lead to their deaths. Nobody else said anything about it, but they knew the two had something off about them.

The group of five walked to the staircase, bypassing the few people who were still making groups. They noticed Addie with her roommate who joined two others. Perhaps Addie would be okay. Stellar hoped. She was a good kid.

Stellar returned her focus once they stumbled to the third floor. Rainbow had Graze pull out his dying flashlight from earlier and turn it on, it flickered a good moment before finally settling. "God, we need a new light."

Stellar and Eleanor nodded in agreement. They previously were just winging it with their well adjusted eyesight to the darkness. They only saw their new friend earlier because he had a hella bright phone light.

"Lucky?" Lily shouted into the surrounding darkness. She kept calling for the girl a few more times before the group decided to keep walking.

While the three behind Rainbow and Graze started making a small conversation, the two turned to each other.

"We're not going to find her. She must've already gotten out of here or something." Rainbow whispered then sighed, exhausted.

"If she was smart, yeah." Graze agreed.

They were silent for a minute as the conversation behind them continued.

"Got a plan?" Graze asked his friend who sent him a sly grin. "I have many, the question is, what kind of plan."

"To leave this place. It's too creepy for my liking." Rainbow chuckled in understanding. "I'll tell you when we're able to detach from these three. I hate people." Graze nods in agreement.

"Me too."

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