Isaac shrugs nonchalantly."Keep begging for me baby, maybe I will." His cocky grin doesn't falter as he keeps eye contact.

I almost choke on my own spit at his comment, my eyes widening as I continue to stare at the scribbled page. God, what is he doing?

I don't reply, wanting to get the writing over with so he can leave. "Whatever. I'm almost done, it's kind of sickly sweet. Sorry." I mumble, throwing my notebook down with a sigh.

He reaches for it, raising his eyebrows in question. I nod allowing him to read the lyrics, to which he instantly takes the book.

I study him as his eyes skim over the lyrics, his gaze not revealing anything about his thoughts. It nerves me to not know if he likes it or not.

A few minutes painfully pass as he flicks through the couple of pages, showing no emotion besides a few nods every few moments.

Eventually his eyes meet mine, I notice a strange emotion in his green orbs, something I can't quite place. Hate? Love?

The corners of his mouth slightly flicker upwards as he tosses the purple book back into my lap. Silence encapsulates the room for a few moments, each second more nerving than the last.

He finally speaks up. "You wrote us a love song?" His eyebrows furrow.

I clear my throat awkwardly. "It's not necessary for us. It's all I know how to write." I explain quietly. God, I feel so pathetic.

Everything I say is true. I don't see Isaac in any light, let alone a romantic one.

I'd had a horrible singing teacher growing up who'd only want me and Owen to write about love, acting as if it's all a woman was good for. Still, we complied and it's all I've ever been taught to create.

I'd managed to write a few songs about my relationship with Jonathon, still those are hopeless as they hold raw truths I'll never be able to admit to anyone.

He took things from me. My innocence, my peace, my happiness. There are some things I'll probably never work up the courage to tell people.

Those things are in my songs.

Isaac exhales lowly. He was relaxed backwards onto the couch, his arms behind his head as he watched me intently. "It's really good."

I blink a few times, caught off guard until he clarifies. "Don't get me wrong, you're fucking annoying and manage to piss me off in ways no one ever has." I huff at his words. "But still, I have to give it to you. You can fucking write." He mumbles, nodding his head as he spoke.

I fight the smile threatening to play on my lips as he compliments me, my songs being the one thing I really do care for other peoples opinion on.

Sharing them has always been hard for me, the only way I know how to write is from somewhere deep inside me. My core.

Letting someone read my songs is like openly telling them every tiny painful detail of my life. I don't even realise what I'm writing until the songs finished, my minds somewhere else.

Sometimes it feels as if someone's taken over my pen, scribbling nonsense on the page in the form of a song.

Still, people seem to like my nonsense.

"Thank you." I reply shortly, folding the book closed and straightening up.

I exhale. "Well, now I know you're happy with it I'll be able to finish it alone, it should be ready by Monday. You good to come by Monday night to learn it?"

He nods, reaching for his phone as he stands up, "Cool. Now, if you don't mind I've got a date with a lovely lady in approximately ten minutes, I'll be going now." He winks, waving goodbye in a taunting manner.

I let out a breath of relief as he saunters out the room, finally able to relax without his company. Who knew someone would be capable of being that annoying?

I don't follow Isaac to the door, assuming he'll be fine making his own way out.

With a rumbling stomach, I make my way towards the pantry in search of a snack.

Caleb and Flynn are already sat eating bowls of what looks to be Chocolate ice cream with bubblegum syrup, their mouths slightly blue.

When I enter further into the kitchen I notice Ezra and Liam sat on the opposite side, arguing over something on their phone.

"She texted me first see? I'm going out with her." Liam says in obvious annoyance, shoving his phone in his older brothers face.

"That says September 2nd 2023, she texted me September 6th 2022. Mine was a year ago, I get to take her out." Ezra points out, his face straight.

"A year ago?" Liam's eyes are rolled. "A year ago Flynn thought he had a different Dad, Jayden was about to have a kid and Caleb identified as gay. A lot can change in a year Ezra."


What the fuck.

There was way too much to unpack there.

"Um excuse me?" I say wide eyed, completely confused at all I'd just heard. The boys turn to me slightly startled, unaware i'd been standing there.

Unsure where to start, I begin with the most obvious point, "Jayden has a child?" My mouth is hung open.

"No, god no. He'd accidentally loose the thing before it's able to say it's first word." Flynn snorts.

Ezra smiles at his brothers joke before explaining, "He had a pretty serious girlfriend and they ran into an unplanned pregnancy. They decided to keep it until they eventually broke up, luckily she wasn't far along at all and ended up getting an abortion."


That makes a lot more sense than Jayden currently being a father.

"And Caleb? You.... You?" I say confused, turning to the boy. I'm met with a meek pair of eyes, an awkward expression on his face.

"I'm not gay." He rushes out. "I like girls, but last year I liked a trans girl. I didn't really know what that meant for me and some dick at school said my sexuality depended on what... yk.... my crush had. I know it's stupid now, she was a girl so I still should've identified as straight but I guess it just confused me for a while." He says quietly, looking at the ground.

My heart lurches at how uncomfortable he looks, wondering if I would accept him for simply having a crush.

"That's so cool, my friend Emma is trans. She's got the best sense of style out of anyone I know, you'd get on with her really well." I smile warmly.

He instantly gleams at my response, not hiding his relief. "Yeah, I'm sure I would."

I send him another comforting glance before returning back to my confused state. "Okay, now what about Flynn? He thought he had a different Dad?" I say, paranoia laced in my tone.

This probably wouldn't be a good way for me to find out.

"Yeah but not really. It was kind of a joke, Mum had a boyfriend before she met Leo and Liam kept telling me he was my real Dad because we both had freckles. I only believed it for like a day." Flynn glares at Liam.

"Yeah, best day of my life." I hear him mutter from the side, clearly unamused by his brothers angry glance.

"Jesus, I really did miss a lot then huh." I say dumbfounded. Their lives sound so eventful, it crazes me how much happened to them in just a small portion of when I was gone.

"We haven't even gotten started on that time Logan got to shave Dixie Damelio's head."


Short n sweet chapter while I finish some school work <3

Any plot points you guys would like me to include? Add them on my message board!

- anna

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