Karan smirked and teasingly remarked

K : Are you afraid to drink it? Do you think I spiked your drink with poison?

Tripura, looking surprised, stared at him, her eyes wide. But then Karan chuckled and continued,

K : Look at you! It seems you've just had a shock. But don't you think I should be the one who's astonished?

Clearing her throat, Tripura replied,

T : I have no idea what you're talking about." Her confusion and unease were palpable in her voice.

As Karan leaned in close, invading her personal space, Tripura's grip on the couch tightened, and she felt her heart race.

K : Are you kidding? Do you think you can dig into my life, spy on me, and invade my place, and I'll never find out about it?

Tripura was visibly shaken, her breaths coming in rapid pants as she struggled to maintain her composure under the intense pressure of Karan's words. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and she looked into his eyes, which now seemed completely unfamiliar and filled with an unsettling sense of terror. The situation had taken a disturbing turn, and Tripura felt trapped and vulnerable.

Summoning all her courage, Tripura finally asked the question that had been haunting her

T :  Did you kill that girl, Karan?

But before she could receive an answer, Karan's temper flared, and he abruptly placed a finger on her lips, silencing her. He said sternly,

K : Shut up! Don't talk such nonsense. I didn't kill her. Just shut your mouth, Tripura.

Tripura, still trembling with fear, fell silent, unable to push further. Just then, the doorbell rang again, and both of them were startled by the unexpected interruption. The tension in the room escalated as they exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of who could be at the door at this late hour.

Karan, with a sense of caution, approached the window and discreetly peeked outside to confirm that it was Anisha waiting at the door. He returned to Tripura and firmly grabbed her hand, urging her to open the door. He emphasized the need for her not to reveal his presence, conveying the seriousness of the situation.

Reluctantly, Tripura had no choice but to open the door while wearing a forced, composed expression on her face, concealing her fear and the presence of Karan. She knew that any misstep could put her in danger, and she had to play her part convincingly.

Anisha, her worry growing, persistently questioned Tripura about her unresponsiveness to calls and the fact that her phone had been switched off all day. Tripura nodded in acknowledgment, concern etched on her face, and ushered Anisha inside, closing the door behind her.Just as

Tripura was about to explain the situation to Anisha, a sudden and shocking turn of events unfolded. Karan emerged unexpectedly and struck Anisha from behind, causing her to collapse, unconscious, to the floor. Tripura's voice trembled as she urgently called out Karan's name, her initial shock giving way to frantic concern.

She hurriedly knelt down beside Anisha, her hands trembling as she attempted to revive her unconscious friend. The room was now charged with a palpable sense of danger, and Tripura's desperate efforts to help Anisha were overshadowed by the presence of the person who had just harmed her friend.

In a state of sheer terror and desperation, Tripura hurriedly stood up, her gaze fixed on the person who had transformed into a horrifying stranger before her eyes. Karan, now unrecognizable as the person she once knew, had become a menacing figure.Tripura, taking trembling steps backward, realized the urgency of the situation. She needed to call the police to protect herself and others.

She rushed upstairs, her heart pounding, determined to make that call. However, before she could reach her room, Karan swiftly closed in on her, blocking her path.With a chilling calmness, Karan began to speak, revealing his distorted feelings of love and betrayal.

Tripura, her breaths growing shallow and panicked, attempted to resist, but it was too late. Karan's grip tightened around her throat, cutting off her air supply. Tripura's vision blurred, and she felt the suffocating terror closing in on her as she desperately struggled to break free from his grasp. The room seemed to spin around her, and her efforts to release herself grew increasingly frantic as she fought for her life.

In her desperate struggle for survival, Tripura uttered words that struck a chord within Karan. She mentioned the presence of their own blood, a reminder of the unborn child she carried.

T : You can kill me Karan but can you kill your own blood too ?

The shock of this revelation momentarily overwhelmed him.Karan released his grip on Tripura and staggered backward, his face etched with a mixture of horror and realization. Unconsciously, he stepped back, moving closer to the edge of the stairs. Just as he teetered dangerously close to falling, Tripura reached out and managed to grasp his hand, preventing him from tumbling down.

At that pivotal moment, the wailing sirens of a police van pierced the air, announcing the arrival of law enforcement outside. The sudden turn of events hung heavy in the air, as Karan stood on the precipice of a life-altering decision, and Tripura clung to him, her own life hanging in the balance. The arrival of the police added another layer of tension to an already gripping and harrowing scene.

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