Episode : 2

91 15 3

Next morning, after making the breakfast tripura quickly went to upstairs then gently enters her little girl's room, her steps quiet so as not to startle her.

She approaches the bed and softly calls her daughter's name, kia, it's time to wake up for school sweetie.

So the girl stirs, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Then tripura sit on the edge of the bed, and leaned close to her she gently planted a kiss on her cheeks and carresed her forehead

T : Hey you need to wake up now dad will be late for you

She she got up in the bed

Ki : Mamma I hate Monday morning when dad needs to leave for a week why weekends seems to short to me

Tripura chuckled

T : You gotta see him tonight so don't feel sad

Ki : really ?

T : Kiara have you forgotten we need to attend the event now let's talk less and go get freshen up

I will get your cloths ready

So then she went inside the washroom

Sitting at the breakfast table, karan leans over to his wife and says,

K : Don't forget about the event tonight and be there on time

She nods yes

Meanwhile, kiara arrived there , her eyes shining with excitement, chimes in,

Ki : Mom, Dad, can I please stay home today? I really want to help get ready for tonight

Hearing that husband and wife exchange amused glances, understanding their daughter's enthusiasm.

But then tripura gently replies,

T : Honey, I know you're excited, but it's a school day. We'll have time to prepare for the event later.

So Kiara got a little upset  and she pouts a little and looked at her dad

So karan felt the strong sense of his daughter excitement and turned to tripura

K : If she wants to stay let her stay na missing one day of school won't hurt

Tripura halted for a moment the looked Kiara

T : You can stay home, but you'll need to catch up on your schoolwork later

Her eyes light up with gratitude, and she beams at her dad

K : Thank you dad, now I am going to choose my dresses for tonight

And she was about to leave

But before that karan hold her hand and said

K : Okay you can do that but remember to finish your schoolwork first

Kiara nods and left

After that karan stood up and went to pick up his bag from the couch infront then with a hug and a smile he finally left for his work at the city

While he was leaving tripura came outside she waves at him so he waved her back

At the afternoon when tripura was waiting for their driver she suddenly recived a massage

"Due to some medical emergency he won't be able to come"

Tripura felt a little furiated so she called on his number right away but couldn't reach so then Kiara came to her

Ki : Mom it's already 5pm how will we able to reache on time if we don't leave imidiately

T : Dont worry let me find some way

But before she could call someone else her phone rang and it was Karan so she recived the call

T : Hello

K : Where are you guys ? On the way right

Tripura took a pause

K : Tipsy? Are you there

T : Yeah I mean ! actually ! There is a problem

K : What is it ?

T : The driver didn't showed up today so

K : What ! Are you still there I mean in the house

T : Yeah what can I do karan

K : You can drive aswell so do it

T : But Karan you know I don't drive anymore

Hearing that karan got a little frustrated

K : Tipsy you need to I mean how long you gonna keep yourself like this that incident happened 3years ago and you wasn't responsible at all though you was driving the car but it happend unfortunately listen today when I will go to the stage the first thing I want to see infront of me is my family now you need to decide okay

And he hung up the call imidiately

In a challenging situation, she finds herself grappling with her fear of driving due to a past accident.

Despite her apprehension, her husband's will becomes a compelling reason for her to confront her fears and take the wheel. Mixed emotions swirl within her as she balances her worries with her determination to honor her husband's wishes.

Tripura get inside the car and told kiara to sit backside though she wanted to next to her but she completely denied

Then she grabbed the steering and sighed deeply

As she eased into the car and started driving, she felt a surge of nervousness mixed with determination. As she began chatting with her daughter, the rhythmic hum of the engine and the familiarity of the road gradually helped her relax. The passing scenery and the warmth of their conversation created a comforting atmosphere, allowing her to find a sense of unexpected ease behind the wheel. Before she knew it, they had reached their destination, and the journey that initially seemed daunting had transformed into a journey of empowerment and reconnection.

They reached to the venue near about 7:30pm

Tripura quickly got down from the car and with kiara she entered inside she was hoping to keep her husband's wish

So as soon as she entered she saw karan was still awaiting to take his award tripura breathed in and out deeply and looked at kiara

T : See we have reached on time

Ki : Yes mamma and you drove the car very well

Tripura smiled and carresed her head a little then a person came to them and escort them to find there seats

As she watched her husband receive the honor he so deserved, a mixture of pride, love, and nostalgia flooded her thoughts. The memories of their journey together, the challenges they'd overcome, and the sacrifices he'd made all converged in that moment.

Her heart swelled with a profound sense of joy and accomplishment for him.

Their daughter, witnessing her father's recognition, felt a similar surge of emotions. She looked up to him with a sense of awe and inspiration, seeing his hard work and dedication being acknowledged. The sparkle in her eyes revealed her excitement, as she realized the impact her father had on their lives and the lives of others. It was a moment of shared pride and unity that strengthened the bond between them.

As karan stood on the stage, accepting the honor, his heart swelled with a deep sense of gratitude and fulfillment. Amid the applause and admiration from the audience, his gaze found his family among the crowd.

Seeing tripura and kiara's beaming faces filled him with an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment.

The unwavering support and love they had given him throughout his journey had played an integral role in his success.

Their presence in that moment reaffirmed the importance of family and the meaningful connections that fueled his drive to excel.

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