Episode : 20

50 13 5

After returning home, Tripura immediately went to retrieve Kia from her sister's place. When Kia saw her mom, she was filled with surprise and excitement.

T : Hey, Kia! Mom's back, ready to go home?

Ki : Mom! Wow, I didn't expect you so soon! Yes, let's go home!

As they start heading home

T : Kia, sweetheart, has your dad called you in the last two days?

Ki : Hmm, no, Mom. He hasn't called me. Why?

T : Oh, no reason, just checking in. Let's catch up on everything on our way back.

After preparing breakfast for Kiara, Tripura gently urged her to get ready for school. However, Kiara expressed her reluctance, stating that she didn't want to attend school as today is a holiday then at the dinner table while having the breakfast Kiara suddenly asked

Tripura noticed that Kiara seemed troubled and wasn't eating her food with her usual enthusiasm. Concerned, she gently asked,

T: What's bothering you, sweetheart?

Ki: Why do we have to keep this mission a secret from Dad, and what's it all about?

T : You know, Kiara, sometimes we have to keep things a secret to help and protect those we love. This mission is something that will help Dad, and it won't last long. We're keeping it a secret because it's the best way to support him, and once it's done, everything will be back to normal. We're doing this as a family to make things better for Dad.

After they finished breakfast, Tripura couldn't ignore the tension in the air any longer. She swiftly sent Kiara to her room to study, a decision she made to ensure her daughter's safety and distance her from whatever weighed heavily on her mind. As soon as the door to her room closed, Tripura rushed upstairs, her heart pounding with anxiety. She retrieved her bag and carefully took out a pendrive, her trembling hands betraying the weight of the situation. Her throat felt dry as she stared at the device, fearful of what would unfold next, and acutely aware that the contents of that pendrive held the key to a series of events that would soon unravel.

Tripura's hands trembled as she switched on the laptop and inserted the pendrive. She watched anxiously as her computer recognized the device and displayed its contents. There, in a folder ominously named "Pandora's Box," she found an array of files. Her confusion grew as she scrolled through them, each file more mysterious than the last. But then, her heart skipped a beat when she saw a file bearing the name "Karan." A moment of hesitation washed over her as doubt and fear crept in. However, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever secrets and revelations awaited her, and with resolve, she clicked on Karan's name to uncover the truth.

As Tripura clicked on the folder labeled "My Money Maker," her heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. Inside, she discovered several PDF files, and one in particular caught her attention: a document titled "St. Peter's Orphanage." Her curiosity piqued, she opened the file and was met with a series of adoption-related documents. As she scanned through them, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. There, among the records, was a childhood photograph of Karan, a younger version of him standing beside a woman she had never seen before. The image sent a shiver down her spine, leaving her with a growing sense of intrigue and a multitude of questions racing through her mind. It was a revelation that held the potential to reshape her understanding of Karan's past and their present.and on another folder she found some pictures of Karan with aviska

Tripura's mind was in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, overwhelmed by the discovery she had just made. As she tried to make sense of the implications of those adoption documents, her phone rang, displaying Anisha's name on the screen. However, in her current state of confusion and anxiety, Tripura chose to ignore the call. She hung up, preferring to focus on the startling information before her, knowing that she needed time to process everything that had just unfolded.

Tripura grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between her desire to discuss the revelations with Karan and the fear of facing him in light of what she had discovered. After much contemplation, she realized that communication was essential before taking any further steps. With a deep breath, she mustered the courage to confront him and have an open conversation. She knew that addressing this together was the only way to make sense of the newfound information and its potential impact on their lives. Resolute, she decided to seek Karan out and lay everything on the table, no matter how difficult it might be.

Karan woken up a little late, and his morning routine seemed ordinary until he went to dispose of an eggshell in the kitchen bin. To his utter surprise and shock, he discovered broken glass pieces inside. Puzzled, he carefully removed them one by one, his confusion deepening. Then, as he examined one of the glass fragments, his heart sank. There, on the glass shard, was a bloodstain. Instantly, his shock transformed into a potent mix of fury and anxiety. Questions raced through his mind as he tried to understand how blood had ended up on a shard in his kitchen, filling him with a sense of urgency to uncover the truth behind this unsettling discovery.

As Karan's realization dawned upon him that someone had tampered with his place, a surge of curiosity and concern overwhelmed him. His instincts kicked in, and he began to meticulously examine every nook and cranny of his home. As he ventured into his study, his eyes fell upon the conspicuous absence of a glass, and the sight of blood droplets on the floor sent a shiver down his spine. It was at this moment that his suspicions crystallized, and he became increasingly certain about who might be involved in this unsettling intrusion. The pieces of the puzzle started to fit together in his mind,

Karan's phone rang, displaying Tripura's name on the screen. However, instead of the typical reaction, his demeanor took an unsettling turn. With an eerie, almost sinister chuckle, he picked up the call, a sense of anticipation in his voice that sent a chill down his spine. It was as though he had veered into an unfamiliar and disconcerting territory, leaving the person on the other end of the line to wonder about the sudden change in his behavior.

T : Karan, I really think we should talk about something important. Can you come home?"Karan: (Eerily cheerful) Sure,

T : I'll be there by tonight, and we'll solve everything, put your worries to rest.

The last sentence made Tripura feel uncomfortable, but before she could react, Karan hung up the call abruptly

As soon as Karan hung up the call with Tripura, his composure shattered. Uncontrollable rage surged within him like a tidal wave, and his anger erupted like a volcano. In a fit of fury, he unleashed a destructive frenzy, smashing and overturning everything in his immediate vicinity. Objects flew through the air, crashing against walls, and the once-peaceful space descended into chaos. Shattered glass, broken furniture, and debris littered the room, making it resemble a war zone. Karan's face contorted with anger, his screams of frustration echoing through the wreckage. It was a moment of unbridled rage, leaving a path of devastation in its wake, and a stark reminder of the turmoil that had consumed him

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