Tyhia: Hey why you breathing so hard

Fatima: Because the phone scared me

Tyhia: Yo ass over there doing something you ain't got no business doing

Fatima: I'm grown what you want

Tyhia: I was just calling to check on you make sure you good

Fatima: I am good didn't do much yesterday and now I am chilling waiting on Zac to get back.

Tyhia: Oh okay we need to get together tomorrow because I need a girls day. Have you heard from Kendra

Fatima: No you know how she get when her heart broke she shut us all out

Tyhia: Well she need a pick me up because I don't like seeing her sad because Dale bald headed ass looking like Mr. Clean

Fatima: Me either, I'll call her so we can get together does tacos and margaritas sound good

Tyhia: You know I'm always down for some tacos and the Mexican liquor

Fatima: Okay I will call her and if I have to I will go pick her up to make sure she comes

Tyhia: Good

The doorbell rung

Tyhia: Who that

Fatima: Do it look like I know hold on

Fatima looked through the peephole and seen it was Zacs ex

Fatima: Bitch it's his ex

Tyhia: What the fuck she doing over there

Fatima: Hell if I know

Tyhia: Okay hurry up and fix yo self up you got on his t-shirt

Fatima: Yeah why

Tyhia: Because she gone be mad, keep me on the phone

Fatima opened the door and if looks could kill.

Fatima: Umm how can I help you

Ex: I was looking for Zac

Fatima: He's not here

Ex: I see and we've met before right

Fatima: I wouldn't call it that an introduction but I seen you before

Ex: Did he tell you I was his ex

Fatima: He did mention an ex who slept with his best friend

She thought she was really doing something her smile changed once I said that

Ex: Well can you tell him to call me it's important

Fatima: I'm sure you got his number oh wait I forgot he blocked you. I will let him know you stopped by but please don't stop by my mans house unannounced anymore. Just don't stop by at all whatever ya'll had was in the past you copy that

Ex: Whatever

Tyhia yelling through the phone BYE BITCH

She walked away so fast she almost broke her ankles. Her ass with a face full of foundation early this morning

Tyhia: Is the bitch gone

Fatima: yeah she gone

Tyhia: Her ass want that old thing back

Fatima: If she know what's good she would stay her ass away I will fuck somebody up behind this one

Tyhia: Yo ass use to fight women off of Joseph all the time

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