TBB|| Commander Mayday x witch reader

Start from the beginning

As if sensing his gaze the woman tilted her head towards Mayday and a raised eyebrow in his direction. Caught in the act of staring Mayday averted his gaze while pulling his blanket all the way up to his breaded chin.

Thinking he was flustered because of his lack of modesty the woman quickly reassured him softly. "Don't worry Commander, as a professional medic I was very careful in attending to you and Crosshair. Not to mention that I've worked a long time patching up wounded personal so frankly there's hardly anything about the human body that really phases me."

"I—" began Mayday coughing as he struggled to regain his composure. "Don't know if I should find that statement relieving or creepy."

Crosshair chuckled. The very first Mayday had ever heard from the usually stoic sniper. "It's alright Mayday (Y/N)'s one of the good ones. I should know because she's saved my life far more times than I can count."

"Only because I'm just as much as a stubborn medic as you are a stubborn if not insufferable patient." Quipped the woman whom he now knew as (Y/N).  "Now if you'll excuse I'll just step out for a moment to give you both some privacy to change while I go set up the guest rooms." Before Mayday could utter a single response (Y/N) rose to her feet and collecting her basket, quietly left the room with nothing but a soft click of a door closing behind her to signal her departure.

Shaking himself out of his stupor Mayday yanked a pair of pants over his legs while looking over skeptically at Crosshair. "So you and (Y/N) know each other?"

"Yes." replied Crosshair mimicking Mayday's actions shrugging into his own new set of warm clothes. "She used to work alongside with my old squad a long time ago; Was the only girl who could ever keep up with us."

Mayday chuckled slipping a thick, woolly sweater over his head. "I can imagine that you and your brothers drove all the other field medics up the walls." Shoving his muscular arms through the sleeves, the once frozen commander released a sigh of contentment. After stellar cycles of being forced to wear threadbare materials, the sweater's soft texture felt like heaven against his thawing skin.

Crosshair snorted. "Oh she's much more than just another medic. Albeit a good medic at that."

Quirking a brow at the sniper Mayday probed a little deeper. "Really? Who is she then your girlfriend?"

Crosshair barked out a laugh. "No it was never anything like that! (Y/N)'s one of the very few close people whom I trust enough to consider a friend and confidant as well as a reliable ally. You see like us (Y/N) is—" here the sniper paused as if choosing his words carefully as he pulled his new, cozy sweater over his head. "Different from other people."

Now Mayday's interest was piqued. "How so?"

"Simple commander." Interjected (Y/N) breezing back into the room ignoring the way Mayday jolted up in his spot as she plunked herself down next to Crosshair. "I'm what they call a witch."

"Your a what?!?!" Mayday felt his eyes bugging out of his head as he stared hard in disbelief at (Y/N). Throughout his entire service as a soldier for the GAR; Commander Mayday had seen and heard a lot of strange things, but this one took the cake!

"A witch." She repeated meeting his bewildered gaze.

"Like an actual witch?" Maker I'm starting to sound like one of those imperials doing a parrot impersonation!

However if (Y/N) felt annoyed she didn't show it. "Correct; And before you ask no I'm nothing like any of those wannabe witches who call themselves the Nightsisters." Here (Y/N) spat out the words Nightsisters as if the mere mention of it was venom. "Very immature, weak dark magic tricks compared to the witches and wizards from where I come from. But that's a story for another time. However I can assure here and now commander that I only use my magic to help those in need not manipulate them for my desires."

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