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Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of an Indian wedding, the bride, her heart filled with fear and uncertainty, found herself in a state of unease.

The bride locked her door and was not opening the door it was already time for the wedding the parents were worried sick.

"What happened," a girly voice asked.

see the crowd the girl with beautiful brown eyes and brown hair who was wearing a beautiful Indian saree which served her beautifully.

The parents of the bride went towards her and said, "my daughter is not opening the door, we have been trying to call her out. Please do something,"

The girl waited no second and knocked the door.

"Riya? It's me naina? Open the door please let's talk? People are worried here," after repeating her word again the door got opened revealing the bride who was looking like she cried.

Her eyes were red indicating she cried till now, naian looked at the bride's parents and told them to give her a little time to talk to her and respected her choice and naian went in and closed the door.

"What was that riya? Everyone was worried about you," naina asked her calmly trying not to show her panic.

"I'm scared," was the only words left from riya's mouth. Naina understands Riya's situation.

" don't be scared. I know this can be overwhelming, but trust me, love has a way of surprising us."

"I'm just so scared, Naina. What if I'm making a mistake? What if I can't be a good wife?" Riya asks while sniffing.

"I understand your worries, but sometimes taking a chance can lead to beautiful things. Give this marriage a chance. Love and companionship have a way of growing, and you might find happiness you never expected."

The bride listened intently, her eyes welling up with tears. She pondered Naina's words, realizing that perhaps there was more to this union than her fears had allowed her to see.

"You really think so, Naina? That I can find happiness in this marriage?"

"Absolutely! Life is full of surprises, and this might just be the beginning of a wonderful journey. Trust yourself and trust in love."

Encouraged by Naina's words, the bride took a deep breath and made her decision.

"Okay, Naina. I'll give this marriage a chance. Thank you for being here for me."

"That's the spirit! I'm proud of you for being brave. Now let's go make this wedding a beautiful celebration!"

As the wedding ceremony reached its end, the bride and groom exchanged vows, surrounded by their loved ones.

The bride's parents, overwhelmed with gratitude, approached Naina.

"Naina, we cannot thank you enough for your support and guidance. You helped our daughter and gave comfort which we couldn't, You truly are a blessing."

"It was my pleasure. Seeing love triumph is the greatest reward. I'm honored to have played a part in making this day special for all of you."

The wedding festivities continued, filled with laughter, music, and the celebration of new beginnings. Naina, the wedding planner, watched on with a heart full of joy, knowing that she had made a difference in the lives of those she had touched.

Naina Deshmukh, the CEO of a renowned wedding planning company, is a stunning woman with luscious brownish Indian hair.

Her beauty radiates from within, matching her incredible personality. Naina's dedication and expertise in the wedding industry have made her a force to be reckoned with.

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