Tough Ice: Chapter 37 - Katerina

Start from the beginning

Valery's phone buzzes and I pick it up.
"Who is it?"
"Your... papa."
"Oh." I see his jaw clench slightly, and I read the notification.
'She's no longer safe.' I put his phone down slowly and stare out the window.
"Why is he contacting you?"
"I'm not sure."
This is what he's been "working on"
"Valery Orlov if you do not tell me the truth right now I will jump out of this moving car." He slams on the breaks, thank god there's no other cars around, and pulls over.
"There's just some trouble with my brother and father, you don't need to worry about anything."
"Mafia stuff," I trail off and look into his eyes.
"Like I said, it's nothing to worry about."
"Please tell me, don't keep me in the dark about this stuff." He bites his lip softly as his gaze lingers on my lips, then back to my eyes.
"Alright," He shuffles in his seat and takes my hand softly, kisses it, then lays it back down, even though he's still holding it. "Ever since you broke up with Lev... he's been... sort of...  murderous?" My eyes widen widely as my eyes flick around the car.
"My dad unfortunately teamed up with him, even though the rest of our mafia team is on my side. They've been... threatening to kill you, my dad sees you as a weakness to both my brother and I, and my brother doesn't like that, well because nobody's ever been able to make him feel like that, so he decided that he'd join my dad to try to... kill you."
"Well that's lovely."
"I've got the rest of my team holding against them, cause they also are all obsessed with you-"
"Not in-love with you obsessed, they just want to keep you alive... for me. Yes they're all assassins, but they will all do anything for a person of power, if they believe it's the right thing. I'm trying so hard to hold them off princess, I promise, I won't let them touch you."
"How long has this been going on? Your dads threatening messages." I ask him, tears filling my eyes.
"He threatened me when you and Lev first broke up, that was over the phone, but the threatening messages have been going on for a week and a half, he sends one every day, but nothing ever happens." A few tears fall from my eyes, and he wipes them away softly.
"I will do anything to keep you safe love, I think after we graduate, we should go into hiding, it's not safe anymore, I can't risk losing you."
"It'll be okay baby, also, does this mean you're now the mafia boss?"
"No, my father still is, but the teams threatening to revoke him of his role, and If this continues, I'm taking us into hiding, or just you, I know you don't want to love, but I won't let you get hurt." I sigh and break eye-contact and start out the front window.
"Just promise me one thing?" He kisses my hand again and grabs my chin softly and brings my eyes to meet his again.
"Don't die." He nods and kisses my cheek.
"Of course my girl."
"Let's go then, where do you want to go for lunch?"
"I already had something planned."
"Take me there then." He grins and starts the car, and starts driving again.

We arrive at some sort of forest, and he helps me out of the car, then puts a blindfold on me.
"It'll all be worth it love." I hear the boot of the car open, then he grabs something out, and closes it.
"You do realise I can just take it off, you haven't bound my hands or anything."
"Yeah, but that would ruin the surprise."
"Surprise? What surprise?"
"You'll see." He scoops me up in one arm and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck.
"I have legs Orlov, I can walk."
"Yes, but I ruined that ability last night." I feel my cheeks redden as he smirks at my blush.
"This is not fair, You can see my face, but I can't see yours."
"Untrue, I can't see your pretty eyes." I huff out a breath as Valery sits me down on something, and I screech when something scratches me. The blindfold is yanked off my face as he stares deeply into my eyes. "Are you okay? Did something hurt you?"
"I'm fine, I think the wood just stuck into my thigh oddly."
"Up." I stand up confused and he walks behind me, and runs his hand along my hamstrings, checking for any injury.
"I'm okay Valery." He walks back in front of me, and smiles softly.
"Look around princess."

My eyes flit around the area, and I let out a soft gasp as I spot the picnic date he set up.
"When did you do this?"
"I made Ares' and my other friends set it up for me."
"Why?" He smiles and walks me over to the picnic rug, and we both sit down.
"Umm... you tried out a new brownie recipe and want me to try it?" He laughs loudly and shakes his head. "You wanted to show off your romance skills?"
"Yes... and no." I furrow my brows.
"I don't know!" He hands me a sheet of paper, and I flip it, and start reading.


I can't believe I get to be with you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Before I met you, I had a horrid life, one where I couldn't be myself, then you entered my life. The second I met you, you were the light of my world, even though you just saw me as your brothers annoying best friend, I didn't care, because all that mattered is how much you meant to me.

I may still be super annoying to you sometimes, which is evident when you are constantly rolling those pretty dark eyes at me (not that I'm complaining). You still put up with me, and that's all that matters, because you're my forever love, you were my first love actually, yes I've dated other women... but they weren't you.

I love you so much my gorgeous girl, and this is what I'm giving you...'

I look up at him, and there's a ring in his hand as his eyes flit between mine nervously.
"I promise to always love you princess, do you accept this promise ring?" I nod excitedly and let him slip the ring onto my left ring finger slowly.
"I can't believe you Valery! I didn't know that today, when I decided to go out with you, that I'd end up with a very pretty promise ring on my finger."
"As much as I want to propose, I don't really think that's possible, since we've technically only been dating for 2 weeks."
"I seriously don't know what I was thinking breaking up with you before, can you genuinely slap me across the face for that?"
"I'd rather not princess."
"Screw you." He smirks and I whack his chest.
"Oh shut up."
"I never said anything love." I laugh that rest my head against his chest.
"I hate you."
"I love you too."
"Fuck off." I hear him smile and he lays a lazy kiss on my head, and he wraps his right arm around me.



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