Tough Ice: Chapter 1 - Katerina

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My skates are imprinting the ground with my impatience. The hockey team are 5 minutes over from when their practice was supposed to finish, meaning their going into my time on the rink. One of my brothers teammates comes up to the wall and looks at me.
"I've lost my phone number, can I have yours?" I hold eye contact with him for about two seconds before my hand is covering my mouth while laughing.
"Good one Theodore." He's about to say something back when a puck flys at the back of his head.
"Ouch!" I stand up and look behind him to see my brothers best friend, my enemy, standing about 10 meters behind him, looking pissed. Theodore turns around and looks at him. "Seriously dude?" Valery scowls at him and skates off the rink.
"You okay?" I turn my gaze back to Theodore, and he looks down at me.
"Yeah beautiful." I giggle and tell their coach to get them off the rink. He nods and yells at his team to get off the rink.

I finish my routine and feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn around and I'm met with the brown eyes of my enemy.
"What do you want Valery?"
"Nothing princess, I'm just waiting for your brother." I roll my eyes and reset myself and get ready for another go, when my best friend walks onto the rink.
"Natasha!" She skates up to me and hugs me.
"Hi Kat, sorry I'm late." I laugh and move out of the way so she can practice, but I still sense Valery's eyes on me.
"Fuck off Valery, we're trying to skate here."
"What's the problem? Not distracting you am I?" I hate how flirty he is, thinks he's all that, charming.
"You wish Orlov." He scoffs and sits down on the bleachers. I watch my best friend do her routine, then give her a little applause when she finishes.
"Okay Kat, your turn." I sigh and position myself yet again, then start.
The second I finish, I bump into a hard chest, making this mystery man grip my hips.
"East there speedy." I grab his hands and pull them off of me.
"What are you doing? Why are you on the rink?"
"Why wouldn't I be, I love getting an opportunity to be closer to you." I scoff and skate away from him and over to Natasha, she's giggling and gives me the 'come on' look.
"I don't get how you're not into him Kat, he's so clearly into you."
"No he's not, he's just a big douche who thinks he's better than everyone else."
"Okay then, there is another guy on the team who I think is into you."
"Theodore, I've seen him checking you out a couple times."
"He literally used a pickup line of me just before, then Valery hit him in the head with a puck before he could respond to what I said."
"Im telling you, Orlov's got it bad for you."
"Natasha you better shut your mouth." She giggles and wraps her arm around my shoulder.
"Well, you should at least get Theodore's number, he's hella cute, and definitely likes you." I nod and skate off the rink until I reach my brother at the wall.
"Hey Kat."
"Hi Ares, can you pick me up some food on the way home and leave it on the bench for me?"
"Sure, what do you want?"
"I don't really care." He nods and nods Valery over to us, making me groan.
"Why the long face pretty girl."
"Watch your mouth with my sister." He chuckles lowly and looks deep into my eyes.
"Bye princess, I'll see you at home!"
"Wait what?" He walks off too fast for him to answer.

Natasha is driving me home when she asks me something.
"So uh, do you know if your brother likes anyone?" I eye her knowingly.
"Why do you want to know." She goes a little pink.
"Just wondering. So does he?" I smirk and decide to play around.
"Yeah I think he likes this girl in his class."
"Oh." I giggle and come clean.
"I don't know Nat, but do you like him?" She goes even more red and starts stuttering,
"I- no."
"Yes." She sighs in defeat and I cross my arms.
"I'll see what I can do."
"What? Kat- no." I hop of of her car and walk into  my apartment complex and press the up button on the lift. I unlock the door and I'm immediately met with a face I don't want to see.
"Well hello Katerina." I groan and put my skating bag near the front door and kick off my shoes, then grab the food Ares brought home for me.
"Hi Valery, if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone."
"Whatever you say gorgeous." I roll my eyes at him and walk into my room. I'm about to open the bag of food when I get a text from an unknown number.
"Hey Beautiful, I asked your brother for your number."
"Hey Theodore." I smile and add his contact to my phone.
"Hi, do you want to FaceTime?"
"Sure." He FaceTimes me and I pick up.
"Hi Kat, what you got there?"
"Thai food."
"Yum, also I love you're accent, what is it?"
"Well I was born and raised in Greece, but I'm half Russian, and I moved here when I was 15."
"Oh, I guess you can guess where I'm from by my name."
"Yeah, France." He nods and stares at me. "What?"
"You're just so beautiful Katerina." I blush a little and laugh.
"Thank you, not so bad yourself." He smiles as I start eating my food.

I hang up after saying bye, and I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in." Valery walks in. "I take that back, go away."
"Who were you on the phone with?" His eyes are darkened and he doesn't look like his usual self.
"Theodore, why?" His eyes grow even darker and his mouth turns into a slight frown. He turns around and slams my door closed, what the fuck? I leave my room and follow after him.
"Orlov get your ass back here." He stops in his tracks and turns to me.
"Why would you want me when you can go talk to Blondie." I frown as he walks away, but walk back into my room and get ready for bed, what Valery said still running through my head.


First Chapter, hope you like it so far

Tough IceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz