Tough Ice: Chapter 6 - Theodore

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"You want to move... to USA?" Natasha and Kat nod at me, then look at Ares and Valery.
"Do you plan on us coming with you?"
"Well Ares, seeing as you're my brother, and Nat's boyfriend, you're kind of a no brainer, but Theodore and Valery can do whatever they want."
"I'm coming." Everyone looks at Valery, who looks a little angry. I see Natasha giggle and Kat, but she rolls her eyes, what is that about? What does it matter anyway, I'm not moving to America, my dad told me I need to move back to France to be with my grandma, I don't plan on telling any of them until right when I have to leave, I want to see the heartbroken look at Kat's face. It's so obvious that she has feelings for Valery, I don't even think she knows she's does but I'm clearly just there to forget about him. I got over it a while ago, now I have absolutely no feelings for her, she deserves it though, using me just as a rebound? Ugh.
"Theodore?" I look over at my girlfriend.
"Are you coming?"
"I'll think about it." She nods and gets of the bleachers and goes onto the rink and starts skating.
"Natasha, may I have a word?" She looks over to me and nods, we walk over to near the dressing room.
"Why did you giggle at Kat before?"
"She has feelings for him doesn't she?"
"No, I just think he likes her, she doesn't think so though."
"It's so obvious she likes him back, and I'm very sure he likes her."
"You're not mad about it?"
"No, I realised ages ago."
"Oh, you okay man?"
"Yeah, I have to move back to France anyway, don't tell her by the way, please let me do it."
"Yeah sure, can I go back now?" I nod and she leaves, I stay there and watch Katerina from where I'm standing.

I came home with all of them so we could watch a movie, and instead of watching the movie, Valery's eyes have been on Kat, the entire time. I stand up and tell them I'm going to the bathroom, but actually go behind him on the couch and whisper into his ear,
"If you don't take your eyes off my girlfriend right now, I will literally murder you." I know it's so stupid that I'm possessive over her even though she doesn't actually like me, but there's just something in me that pushes me to do it. I pat him on the back and actually go to the bathroom. When I get back, I see that Valery and Kat aren't sitting on the couch anymore.
"Natasha, do you know where they went?"
"No, he just asked her if the could talk."
"Mother fucker." I whisper under my breath and drop back down onto the couch.

Kat pulled me off the couch a while ago complaining about being tired and wanting cuddles. So here I am, being forced to have my girlfriend lying fast asleep on my chest. I grab my phone out and see that one of my girl friend's texted me.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"My girlfriend is sleeping on my chest, so not really anything."
"I thought you guys broke up?"
"No, I haven't told her I have to move back to France yet."
"Well I think you and I should get together before you have to move." My eyes widen. There's not really a problem anyway, there's no way Katerina didn't just cheat on me with Valery before, I didn't hear and yelling, meaning they weren't fighting.
"Yeah, okay." I slide out from under Katerina and walk out of her room, then tell my teammates and her best friend that I'm just going back to my apartment.

I'm now lying down with a different girl asleep on my chest, but this one I think I may actually have feelings for. Katerina sends me a text, making me almost jump.
"Where'd you go Theo?"
"Home, realised I had an assignment to do." I do not have a single assignment right now.
"Oh okay, good luck."
"Thanks." She likes my message and I go onto camera and take a photo of me and my new fling.


Cheating scumbag. At least it means the jerk will be getting out of the picture soon.

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