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Anjelou Marie

And just like that, my first day at work is over. Feeling #blessed to get my dream job

❤️ 👍 Paula Maxinne Pascual, Jamie Vanna De Villa, and Jacob De Villa...


anjo @xoxoanjelou
and soon my dream boy wooh sorry na kagad in advance girlies
#only #aggressive #girls #will #win

anjo @xoxoanjelou
this landi industry is not for the weak and my mom raised no #loser beybehh

anjo @xoxoanjelou
HEHE need to plan my fits and makeup EXTRA hard for tue to fri coz sir you don't know what's coming for you pls i'm so worried charits

anjo @xoxoanjelou
goal for the week
makasabay maglunch si pochi >>>>>>>>

anjo @xoxoanjelou
would text him pero may pride pa rin ako noh

anjo @xoxoanjelou
kawawa naman the WPX pag natapos kagad pila ;) #fairgame

chasing the boys ✔️ (cut version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora