A Day of Sightseeing in Oslo

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      You awoke with Pelle's arms around you and his stubbly chin rubbing against the side of your neck.  You nuzzled right back into him.  He sighed in your ear and said,
"Mmmm...good morning babe."  As he pulled the covers up over your bodies and pulled you closer to his body.
"Good  morning."  You said very sultry as you gently pushed your butt into his morning wood.
You felt his soft and supple lips against the side of your neck.  You continued to grind into him as his kisses became more enthusiastic, he moved his body on top of yours and his kisses moved from your neck to your cheek and finally your lips met as he entered you.  You gasped in his mouth as he exhaled and rolled his eyes into the back of his head from the feeling of him inside you.  He looked into your eyes as he kept a slow and steady pace.  You looked back into his eyes and as his hair hanged freely in your face, you gently brushed it behind  his ear as he lowered his face down into yours for an extremely deep kiss.  As your tongues danced around each other's and it ended in a nice wet kiss and you sucking his bottom lip.  As Pelle's hips began to move faster, his breathing became more sporadic.  As your moans of pleasure grew louder his gaze lowered to you, laying helplessly under him while he began to fuck you harder, watching your body writhe under his as you met his thrusts with your hips.  He kept looking in your eyes and at your face as it contorted erotically to the unimaginable feelings he was giving you.  He once again lowered his face to yours and kissed you.  His kisses were a mix of slow and deep and quick pecks that moved down to soft neck bites.  He put all of his weight on his arms as his thrusts became more rigorous and it hit the magic spot.  Your moans grew louder and uncontrollable as you came.
"Don't stop Pelle!" You whispered erotically in his ear.
As his thrusts grew faster and harder you ran your nails down his back and you grabbed his ass as he came.  He let out a loud moan as he pushed it in further as he came. He pushed with so much intensity that you felt like a firehouse went off inside of you.  You chuckled out loud and he put his body completely on top of yours, it fell limp, he was exhausted.  He let out an exhale and turned his head towards your face and all his hair stuck to his face because he was all sweaty.  You brushed the hair out of his eyes and he smiled at you while breathing heavy.  You playfully pushed him off of you so you could lay next to him and kiss him.  The two of you laid in bed facing one another, with the morning sun shining through his bedroom window it highlighted the different hues of blonde he had in his hair.  He was an absolutely stunning specimen of a man if you'd ever seen one, and he was all yours.  For the next hour the two of you laid there in the morning light shining through the window warming your cold bodies as the two of you laughed, talked, kissed and caressed one another's skin.  Neither one of you had a care in the world at that very moment in time. 
" I think I want to go take a shower."  You said as you ran your fingers softly over the landscape of his face as he was squinting to keep the sun out of his eyes .  He put his hand over yours, kissed it and said,
"THAT sounds like a great idea!  I think I'll join you."
He slapped your ass lightly and ran naked to the door of his bedroom and opened it as Toby barked and ran after him.  You heard his voice saying,
      "C'mon boy!"
Toby was barking as they were interacting outside in the back.  You looked out the bedroom window down onto the backyard to see Pelle stretching, butt ass naked in the misty Norwegian morning, he looked up at you in the window and smiled.  Toby ran past him into the woods.  Pelle sat down on a chair that was back there and waited for Toby to do his business.  Once Toby was done, he ran to Pelle and then you saw him get up and enter the house again.  You heard his footsteps approach the room and as he walked in he asked,
"C'mon! What are you waiting for?"
You continued to rummage through your suitcase for something to wear for your first full day in Norway.  Pelle started to help you and he picked out a pair of black jeans and one of your shirts and said holding the clothes he picked to your chest,
"I'd like to see you in this today."   He kissed you on your cheek and smiled at you, "I'm going to take a shower, I'll try to save you some hot water." He shouted as he ran to the bathroom.  You stood naked at the foot of his bed laughing to yourself shaking your head.  You looked over at Toby and said,
"Daddy's crazy...he's crazy!"  You gathered your bath things and walked down the hallway to the bathroom where you could see the steam coming out of the door which was partially ajar.  You slowly opened the door and closed it behind you.
"Is that you babe?"
"Yes." You told him as you opened the clear shower glass door exposing a very soapy, naked Pelle.  You smiled as you set one of your feet into the shower,  The floor was warm and felt soothing under your cold feet.  You walked up to him and threw your arms around his neck and kissed him.  You looked lovingly up at him as you rubbed your beautiful breasts against his wet chest.  He looked down at you as you smiled at him while you did it and said in a stern voice,
"I just washed and then you come in here. with your dirty body and contaminate me...now i have to wash all over again." He scoffed jokingly and smiled waiting for your reaction.  Sarcastically you said,
"Here.. allow me."
You shook up your body wash and lathered it up in your hands and started rubbing it in his hair.  He was pulling away and laughing as you continued to make more lather by rubbing him all over.  He was laughing as were you and he was covered in suds from head to toe.  He pulled you into him and gave you a very soapy kiss.  You looked into his eyes and asked,
"So where are you taking me today?"  I'm gonna take you into Oslo to go sightseeing and then something special for tonight."
"Can't you gave me a hint?"  you held your finger and thumb in front of his face..."just a tiny one?"
He put his giant hand over yours and whispered as he pushed it down,
You pouted as you looked into his baby blues,  he bent down to kiss you and the two of you continued to play and laugh in the shower until both of your skin looked like giant prunes and there was no more hot water left.  Both of you got out and dried off.  You wrapped your hair up in a towel and he pulled your naked body into his and held you looking into your eyes and began to sway side to side with his hands on your hips he said smiling,
"I STILL can't believe that you're actually here!  I was so happy when I woke up this morning and you were laying right beside me."
You ran your fingers down the front of his torso and said,
"I know. Me too, it was so nice to finally sleep through the night again."
He smiled ear to ear continued looking at you and said,
      "You know what this means?  We are at the I can't sleep without you stage of our relationship, there's no turning back from this...you can only move onto the next stage which is the moving in together phase."  Your eyes got wide and you asked,
"How is this going to work?" 
"We will figure out the details in good time." He said kissing your forehead.  He ran his hand down your arm, grabbed your hand and led you into his bedroom where the two of you continued to get dressed and ready for a day of sightseeing.

You and Pelle walked out of the house, leaving Toby inside with food and water, Pelle even put the tv on for him so he wouldn't be lonely.
You threw your keys at him and told him to drive  today so you could take in the sights and take a few pictures while you were at it.

Pelle pulled out of the driveway as the morning sun cast its warm glow over the city, breaking up the morning mist over the land and the two of you embarked on an adventure to explore the vibrant streets of Oslo. With excitement in your eyes and an infectious sense of curiosity, Pelle set out so you could soak in the rich history and contemporary charm of Norway's capital.
      "I can't wait to see where you're taking me today!" You said smiling at him from the passenger seat.  He grabbed your hand, kissed it and said,
      "You're gonna love it!"

His first stop was the imposing Royal Palace, standing tall amidst lush green gardens. Pelle watched as you marveled at the elegant facade and intricate details of the palace, imagining the lives of royalty within its walls. The two of you strolled hand in hand through the palace grounds, breathing in the fresh scent of blooming flowers and feeling the gentle breeze on your faces.

Next, you made your way to the iconic Akershus Fortress, perched on a hill overlooking the sparkling waters of Oslofjord. The fortress's medieval architecture transported both of you back in time, as the two of you explored its ancient corridors and climbed its ancient stone walls. From the top, you gazed at the breathtaking panoramic view of the city, feeling a sense of awe and appreciation for Oslo's beauty.
He looked at you and asked,
      "Isn't this amazing?"
      "It's so beautiful!  Thank you for bringing me here."
He kissed you and asked,
      "Are you getting hungry?"
      "Yeah, I could definitely eat."
      "Let's walk this way and see what we can find."  He pointed left and put his hand on the small of your back to guide you.

As hunger beckoned, you and Pelle ventured into the heart of Oslo's streets, where the aroma of traditional Norwegian cuisine filled the air. As you and Pelle walked the streets, you discovered a cozy restaurant tucked away in a charming alley, its warm ambiance inviting you to step inside. You  were greeted by friendly staff who guided you through a menu filled with delectable dishes. Pelle and you decided to try the famous Norwegian salmon, savoring each bite as the flavors danced on both of your tongues. Between mouthfuls, you shared childhood stories and laughter, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Energized and filled with contentment, Pelle pulled your hand as he wanted to continue your exploration. You were absolutely captivated by the Oslo Opera House, a modern architectural masterpiece rising gracefully from the water's edge. Its sloping roof invited you and Pelle to climb, and as you both ascended the white marble steps, feeling a sense of anticipation and wonder. At the top, you found that you were both rewarded with a breathtaking view of the surrounding cityscape, the glistening fjord, and the distant mountains. Pelle stood behind you and embraced your frame, reveling in the beauty of the moment and the joy of this shared adventure.

As the day drew to a close, Pelle reflected on the experiences that the two of you had shared, the sights you had had seen, and the flavors that you both had tasted. Oslo had left an indelible mark on your heart, a city that effortlessly blended history and modernity, tradition and innovation. With a promise to Pelle that you would return one day, you both held hands and made your way back through the vibrant streets, grateful for the memories that the two of you had created together in the enchanting city of Oslo, Norway.

As the two of you walked back to the car, Pelle holding your hand in his you asked,
"Where are we going now?"
"It's a surprise." He said softly as you both got in the car to go on one last adventure before the new day began.

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