Pelle Meets the Family

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      The day had finally arrived, it was time to pick up your two sisters, Christina and Mindy and your mother Helena.  Pelle had been pacing and anxious for the past two days, partially out of excitement and partially out of worry.  He really wanted your family's acceptance, and no matter how much you reassured him, in the back of his mind he had the thought that if your family didn't accept him, YOU would reject him because of it. He told you that he couldn't stand the thought of losing you.  He really was worrying over nothing, even if there was the slimmest chance in hell that your family didn't love him as much as you did, then they would lose you too.  You and Pelle were convinced that you were meant to be.   You were finishing up your hair in the bathroom and he walked in and put his arms around your waist and said,
"You look beautiful today."
You turned around to face him and threw your arms over his shoulders and said,
"Pelle you have nothing to be worried about, they are going to love you!  I know you're scared, but this is my family and I know them very well, they will welcome you with open arms." 
He shook his head and said,
"You're right.  I shouldn't worry."
Even though he was saying that, you could still see the look of worry spreading across his face and it pained you to see someone that you absolutely love feeling like that.  You couldn't wait to get to the airport so that these feelings he was having would finally be over.  You finished your hair and got dressed as he watched you.  When you were done, you started to walk into the bedroom and Pelle followed as you stood in front of your closet trying to figure out what to wear.  You picked out a pair of faded out blue jeans that had seen better days. The jeans had a gaping hole in the knee and a few frayed holes in the thigh.  You found an old black t-shirt and a flannel to throw over it.  Pelle was sitting on the bed petting Toby and you began to get dressed. You looked at him sitting there daydreaming off into his own little world and asked,
"Hey babe, would you mind letting Toby out before we go?"
"No, not at all."
He got up off the bed and Toby's head popped up and his ears perked and Pelle said,
"C'mon Toby, wanna go out?"
He started walking out of the bedroom and Toby followed.  You quickly got dressed so that the two of you could get to the airport and pick up your family, who were scheduled to arrive shortly.  You walked out to the kitchen where Pelle was looking out the window and you said,
"Are you ready to get going here in a minute?"
"Yes and no." He replied.
You got your leather jacket off the peg behind the door and grabbed Pelle's as well you handed it to him.  He put it on and used the back of his hand to get all off his hair out from inside the jacket.  You looked at him, smiled and walked over to him getting on your tip toes to give him a kiss.  You grabbed his face and stroked his cheeks with your thumbs and said,
I love you so much!"  You looked down at his body and said, "You look so good today." You kissed him again, then walked to the door where Toby was sitting and waiting.  He came inside. You looked at a very nervous Pelle and said,
"It's time babe."
Pelle walked over to you, kissed you on top of the forehead, taking your hand leading you out of the kitchen door, closing and locking it behind you.  The two of you walked down the stairs slowly, once you got to the bottom, he picked you up and carried you to the car.  He kissed you softy on your lips, looked you in the eyes and said,
"I love you so fucking much."
He put you down, walked over to the passenger side and got in.  Your heart was breaking seeing him like this.  You took a deep breath, got in the car, glanced over at him, you started the ignition, pulled out of the driveway and started the trip down the mountain.  As you were driving you asked,
"Pelle, would you mind putting on some music?"
"Not at all. What do you feel like listening to?"
"I'm in the mood for anything, so whatever you pick will be fine."
He grabbed your case logic, started flipping through the book of cds and finally picked out some Sodom.  He put the CD in and immediately started to head bang to it.  It made you happy to see him forget about the stress that he was under.  Music was in his blood, as it was in yours.  You had always been a musicians girlfriend because music was your life and you needed someone who understood your love for it, so why not choose someone who felt the same way you did.  You found everything that you ever wanted in Pelle.  He was such an amazing person.  He had a sick sense of humor and was always making you laugh, he loved the macabre and supernatural, he was incredibly intelligent, an amazing artist and dedicated to his craft of writing songs and singing, even though he was a singer in a black metal band, he was often gentle when it came to loving you, not to mention his looks which were an absolute bonus. The two of you listened to Sodom all the way down the mountain and you finally reached Manitou Springs. As you came upon The Loop restaurant you remembered fondly how that's where you and Pelle first had lunch together. You remembered how nervous you were because you were going to spend your first night with him alone.  You looked over at him an thought about how far the two of you had come in the two months that he's been in Colorado.  It was hard to think that he was going to be going back to Norway next month and you wouldn't see him again for another three months when he came back with the guys to play their next set of gigs.  Four months didn't sound like a long time but being a new couple who just wanted to spend time together, it may have well been a lifetime.  It was going to be tough for the both of you, it was definitely going to test the measure of your love for one another.

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