Black Metal Baking

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When you woke up the next morning you were still in Pelle's arms, he had also fallen asleep in the chair, holding you tight.  You tried to get up to use the restroom and he stirred and opened his eyes and smiled.
"Good morning." You whispered walking back over to him, softly kissing him on the lips.
He grabbed you, pulled you onto his lap and squeezed you tight.
"Good morning to you."  He said looking into your eyes with a huge grin on his face. 
"I was just getting up to go pee."
"Well, don't let me stop you."
He gave your butt a quick pat as you walked towards the bathroom.  When you came back out Pelle was laying on the bed, so you jumped up there and laid next to him.  He held you in his arms and used his free hand to rub your back.  As you lay there with your head on his chest, you could hear his heart beat.  You nuzzled your face into the side of his neck and breathed him in.  He smelled so good and that comforted you, especially after pouring your heart out to him about your unfortunate past the night before.  The room was completely silent, then your heard,
"I love you."
You lifted your head off of his chest, looked him in those irresistible blue eyes and replied,
"I love you too Pelle."
You stretched your body to reach his lips and put your hand on the side of his face to bring him closer to you and the two of you kissed. 
As your bodies lay there entwined, your little sister Mindy, comes storming in. 
"You guys are disgusting!  Mom wants both of you out there for breakfast."
"We'll be out soon."
"Yeah right.  I'll shut the door behind me so you can exchange fluids in your morning sex ritual."  She yelled as she exited the room, "They'll be out after morning sex."
She pulled the door closed behind her.  Pelle and you looked at one another with mouths wide open and Pelle asked,
"Is she always like this?"
"Unfortunately, yes."
He lowered his face to yours and kissed you sweetly on your lips, then began to work his way down your neck to your chest and then buried his face in between your ample bosom.  You grabbed the hair on the very top of his head and brought his face out and said,
"We can't do this right now!"
"Well they already think we're having morning sex, thanks to your sister.  So maybe this one time we think about ourselves instead of what your mom and sisters are going to think when we go out there.  We are together, you're my girlfriend, I'm not ashamed of what we do in here and you shouldn't be either."
You looked at him and then pushed his head back between your boobs and continued on with your morning sex.

When you and Pelle walked into the dining room, where everyone was finishing their breakfast, you looked at your mother and she looked back at you with disappointment.  You glanced at your little sister as she sat there chuckling to herself.  Pelle greeted everyone and walked over to Mindy and asked,
"How are you this morning?"
She looked up at him and replied,
"Fine.  How are you feeling after banging my sister like a drum?"
Pelle just stood there dumbfounded, he could not believe what a smart ass she was. Your mother slammed her hand down on the table and pointed at Mindy and said,
"Enough! What goes on behind your sister's bedroom door is between her and Pelle."
"Thank you Mom."
She looked at you and then Mindy looked at Pelle and apologized.  He pat her back and took a seat at the table. You slowly sat yourself next to Pelle and started grabbing some bacon and eggs, Pelle grabbed your plate and started eating off of it.  You looked at him, smiled and grabbed his empty plate and once again foraged for your breakfast.  After breakfast you and Pelle offered to do dishes so that your Mom and sisters could start getting ready to go finish their Christmas shopping.  As the two of you cleared off the table, you both couldn't help but notice that the snow was really coming down. Pelle walked to the kitchen and turned the radio on so you could catch the weather report.  As you were loading up the dishwasher and Pelle was wiping down the table, you heard the weatherman come on and say that there was a blizzard heading your way.  You looked at Pelle and said,
"I better go tell Mom."
He walked over to the sink and took over what you were doing and you walked up the stairs to tell your mother the bad news.  You knocked on the door to her room and stuck your head in and said,
"I don't think you guys are going to be going anywhere today,  the weatherman said that there's a bad blizzard heading our way."
"What in the fresh hell? " She quipped.
She was putting her long hair into a messy bun and asked,
"Do you have stuff in the house to make Christmas cookies?"
"Of course"
"Then that's how we'll spend today.  We'll get that taken care of today and see what tomorrow brings our way."
You walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen where Pelle was just finishing up.  You looked and him and said,
"Looks like we're making Christmas cookies today,"
"That actually sound like fun." He said putting the towel on the oven door handle. 
He walked over to you, put his arm around you and pulled you into him and kissed you on the top of your head.
Just as Pelle pulled his lips off of your forehead, your mother walked in and started pulling out cookie sheets and ingredients to get started. 
"Michelle, where are all of your sprinkles?"
"I don't have any Mom."
"Well, you and Pelle better get your butts to the store before this storm hits."
You and Pelle looked at one another and started walking to your bedroom to get dressed to run down the road to the store.

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