New Year's Eve

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"Happy Birthday!" Pelle whispered into your ear as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and giving you a tight squeeze.
You put your hands on his forearms that were just under your breasts, lightly rubbed them and pressed your head into his face as he kissed your neck.
The two of you planned on spending a quiet night at home instead of going to the parties that you were invited to.  It hadn't snowed in a few days and the temperature was abnormally warm, so you and Pelle decided that you'd have a nice intimate dinner and watch the fireworks from the deck of your cabin.
"It's early, do you want to go to breakfast?" He said in between kisses to your upper back.
"That sounds like a plan."
"But first...". Pelle said as he rolled you onto your back and got on top of you, "let's work up our appetite..." looking down on you with his long hair hanging down in your face and a very evil smile.  He lowered his face down to yours and began frantically kissing you.  You knew at that moment that you were going to have one hell of a birthday.

After the proper fucking Pelle just delivered to you, you laid on the bed still trying to get your legs to stop shaking while he was in the shower getting ready to go out for breakfast.  A few minutes later, you heard the shower turn off and the curtain pull back.  He was in there growling lowly singing some Bathory song.  He came out to the bedroom wearing a towel around his waist and his towel dried hair messily draped over his shoulders.
"What's the matter."  He said smiling fiendishly at you.
"You know damn well what's the matter.  I don't think I'll ever be able to walk again."
He put a knee up on the bed, leaned in and kissed you, then said,
"You're gonna be fine.  Sorry I was a little rough this morning but you seemed to be enjoying it."
"I was..I mean I did..."
He was leaning over you smiling and then he mocked you and kissed you. 
""Come on birthday girl, I'm taking you out to breakfast."  He spanked your butt lightly and you got up and took a shower.  
As you got out of shower, Pelle was standing in front of the bathroom mirror combing his hair.  You wrapped the towel around yourself and stepped out of the shower.  He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you tight and kissed you on the top of your head.
"How long will it take you to get ready?"
"Give me fifteen minutes."
"Cool, I'll go let Toby out and feed him."
"Thank you babe."  You stood on your tip toes and pecked him on his cheek.
Sitting at your vanity you began the ritual of getting ready for the general public.  While you were putting on your makeup you could hear Pelle out in the kitchen feeding Toby and giving him fresh water.  He walked into the bedroom just as you were finishing your face and now you were blowing your hair out.  He just stood there watching you.  You glanced up at him and said smiling,
"Nothing. I just love watching you get ready.  Woman are intriguing."
"We aren't that interesting,"
"More that you can even imagine."
You got up and walked over to your closet and picked out what you were going to wear that morning.  A pair of Levi's torn strategically in both knees and Pelle's short sleeve Bathory shirt, it smelled just like him and it comforted you, even though he was standing in front of you, looking flabbergasted that you were wearing his shirt.
"I hope your boobs don't stretch it out." He said jokingly laughing.
You threw a swat at him that landed on his forearm.  You walked back over to your vanity, grabbed your brush, bent over and brushed your hair and sprayed it once you had it the way you wanted it.
"Come on babe, it's getting late."
You looked at yourself in the mirror and thought how happy you were right now, in this moment in time. You are with the perfect man.  He is everything you ever wanted and he wants you too. He's the one!  You walked out of the bedroom and entered the kitchen just as Toby was coming in.
"You ready?" He said looking at you.
He leaned down and kissed you and said,
"You look beautiful."
You blushed as you looked up and met his eyes,
"Thank you."
He put his arm around you as he led you out of the door to your house for a nice quiet breakfast.

After breakfast, you and Pelle were walking to your Jeep in the parking lot and you said,
"How about a trip to Cripple Creek?"
"Sure, whatever you want today, it's YOUR birthday after all."
Pelle threw the keys at you and you both got in the car and started your adventure to Cripple Creek.

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