Tonight, You Belong to Me

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      After about four songs, Pelle came to you, towering over you, looking into your eyes and smiling.  You were looking up at him with a devilish smile as Toby stood up, wagged his tail and started to prance to get Pelle's attention.  
"Hey boy!" He said excitedly as he knelt down to pet Toby and let him lick his face.
He looked at you while he was getting a tongue bath and said happily,
"I can't believe that you are actually HERE!"
You smiled softly at him and touched the side of his face, caressed his cheek with your thumb and said,
"I can't believe that I'm here with you either!"  You leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek.  He stood up and pulled your hand so that you were forced to stand up in front of him.  He put both hands on the side of your face, lowered his face towards yours, kissed your lips tenderly and then put his forehead to yours and said,
"I can't wait to get you home. Tonight, you belong to me!"  He smiled and raised and lowered his eyebrows devilishly.
You stood in front of him blushing but smiling ear to ear as you too were looking forward to spending some quality time alone with him.  You craved that intimacy that the two of you had when he was staying with you back in Colorado.  You missed being intimate with him and knew that you two were going to be awake most of the night catching up on what you've been missing for the last few months.

You and Pelle stood there in full embrace while the guys were getting ready to practice another song without Pelle singing.  He leaned down and whispered  in your ear,
''Let's go outside so we can have some privacy."  He slid his hand down your right arm, grabbed your hand and led you out of the Henhouse to the front step.  He held your hand as he helped you down the badly crumbling concrete steps onto the level ground in front of it.  Once he had you on the flat ground , he slipped his hand around your waist and pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss.
The two of you stood there in front of the Henhouse softly kissing one another's lips and running your fingers through each other's hair.  You stood in front of Pelle, looking up at him. The sun shined down on his face.  His soft, barely wet lips were glistening in the warm spring sun as he looked down at you smiling and leaning in for one more kiss.  As he leaned in for a kiss, the wind blew, a small strand of his blonde hair blew across your cheek as he kissed you.  You let out a title sigh as you felt his warm lips against yours.  He slid his hand under your long dark brown hair and cradled your head in his hand as he continued to kiss you deeper and more passionately.  You threw both of your arms around his neck and let your body go limp in his arms.  As the two of you stood there kissing, the wind blew once more and this time you got a whiff of Pelle, he smelled amazing.  You pulled your lips away from his and asked,
"Are you wearing cologne?"
"Did you shower?"
"No, why?"
You leaned in and started taking big sniffs of his hair and his neck.  You even went as far to lift up his t shirt and smell his skin.  He began laughing and asked,
"What has gotten into you?"
"You smell AMAZING!!"
"It's just me I guess."
You both smiled at each other and he said,
"I am SO happy you're here!"
You smiled at him, brushed the hair out of his eyes and off his face and said,
"I am too!" 
He leaned in, kissed your lips one more time just as the guys started coming out of the Henhouse to take a short break.  Toby was especially excited to see the guys again and made his rounds to get unlimited belly rubs and behind the near scratches.
The five of you all stood outside and talked for about fifteen minutes.  Pelle stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders as you leaned into his chest.
"Well, we better get back in there and nail the rest of this rehearsal."  Oystein said.
Everyone started filing back into the Henhouse and back to their respected instruments.  You tied Toby up outside because you didn't want the decibels to hurt his ears, then you went back in and sat back down in the chair that you were sitting on.  Pelle began to sing Freezing Moon and you sat there and watched him do what he did, and you fell in love with him all over again.

Once rehearsal ended, you all hung out for about a half hour just talking,  You were sitting on Pelle's lap with your right arm around his neck and he had his hand on your thigh with his fingers between them.   You both put your heads together and nuzzled while the rest of the guys finished their conversation.  Oystein looked at you and Pelle and asked,
"Are you guys ready to get goin?"
You both got up and said,
"Yes!" In unison.
Everyone walked out of the Henhouse and you untied Toby.  Jorn walked over to you and said,
"Your suitcase is in the back of my truck."
Pelle touched your bicep and said,
"I'll go get it!" 
He did a little jog over to Jorn's truck and began grabbing your things.  Jorn leaned in and said in your ear,
"I haven't seen him THIS happy since he was in America!"
You smiled at his words and thought that this was the happiest YOU'D been since HE was in America.  You knew at this point, that the two of you were destined to be together.
You watched as Pelle grabbed your suitcase and put it in the trunk of the Volvo.  He walked back over to you, smiling ear to ear, as were you.   He put his arm around you and asked,
"Are you ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Oystein took the keys out of the pocket of his leather jacket and started walking towards the car.
"I'll sit in the back with Toby!"  You shouted as you approached the car.
"Ok."  He said as he opened the car door and got in and started the car.  Pelle sat in front passenger seat.
You climbed into the backseat after Toby got in.  He sat behind Oystein and you sat behind Pelle.  Once he knew you were there and sitting safely, you saw his long fingers wiggling towards you from the front seat passenger side between the car door and the passenger seat.  You leaned forward and put your hand in his.  He lovingly stroked the back of your hand and your fingers.  Then he tried to interlock your fingers together but realized that it was impossible to do from the angles that you were both sitting at and he just continued to stroke the skin on your hand.  You reached up and started playing with his gorgeous long blonde from the backseat.  As soon as he felt your touch, he leaned into your hand and nuzzled it in your hand.

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