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"IZUKU, slow down!" Shota shouted as he gripped onto the side of the wooden carriage that rabidly moved to the marketplace

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"IZUKU, slow down!" Shota shouted as he gripped onto the side of the wooden carriage that rabidly moved to the marketplace. Penelope, his donkey, sat beside him with her leg bandaged up.

Pulling the cart was now older Izuku, a skinny boy with curly green hair. Running at full speed down the road, dodging any sheep along the way.

The awkward teen ran beneath the arch that led to the marketplace, but bumped into workers fixing the centers entrance making them hang off the edge.

"Hey! Watch it!"

Izuku looked over his shoulder and stuttered "S-s-sorry guys!"

He continued to run past civilians and shops as he entered the middle of the marketplace when he suddenly dug he's feet into the ground only to be buried shoulder deep.

"Thanks, son. When old Penelope twisted her ankle back there, I thought we were done for."Aizawa hurried off the cart and walked around to inspect Penelope's injury.

"No problem, Pop." Izuku lifted up the bundles of hay.

"Uh, don't unload just yet. First I have to finagle with Phideas."

"Oh, ok." Izuku tossed the cargo back onto the cart which made Penelope catapult into the air.

"Oops, sorry, Penelope." Izuku apologized, walking forward a few steps.

"Now, Izuku, this time, please just-"

"I know, I know. Stay by the cart." The green haired boy shrugged and stuck out his arms catching the petrified donkey and safely placing her back on the cart.

"That's my boy." Aizawa ruffled his hair and walked away leaving Izuku to boringly stand around. A sigh fell from his lips as Izuku leaned against the cart. Across the way he noticed a man struggling to carry a vase almost as big as him.

He quickly ran over to the man and lifted it before it fell to the floor. "Careful!"

"Why, thank you."

"No problem." Izuku smiled as he stuck his head around the vase to look at the man.

The potters eyes flew open "Why, Deku! It's you!"

𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐢. 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚Where stories live. Discover now