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IZUKU AND KATSUKI soon arrived on a lone island surrounded by thick fog

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IZUKU AND KATSUKI soon arrived on a lone island surrounded by thick fog. The two landed, scaring a goat on accident.

Izuku hopped down from Katsuki and looked around at the overgrown grass and remains of broken statues littered on the ground.

Izuku frowned "You sure this is the right place?"

Katsuki snickered in response. Just then Izuku heard female laughter. Curious, Izuku made his way towards the noise, pulling the bushes apart he looked ahead to see Nymphs giggling and splashing each other with water.

Izuku stared at the women, a smile slowly appearing on his face when a grunt caught his attention. Turning his head he noticed a goat sticking out from the bushes.

"Hey, what's the matter? You stuck?" Izuku asked as he pulled on the goats leg.

"Hey! Watch it!" A voice barked at him.

Izuku quickly let go as the goat turned out to be skinny blond satyr. Izuku's jaw dropped as the taller male looked down at him.

"What's the matter? You never seen a satyr before?"

"Uh.. no." Izuku replied. He cleared his throat before asking "Can you help us? We're looking for someone called All Might."

"Call me Toshinori."

"Toshinori!" Izuku smiles, he grabbed the satyr's hand and shook it tightly.

"Ow!" All Might yelped. Pulling his sore hand away from the green haired boy.

"I'm glad to meet you! I'm Izuku. This is Katsuki. I need your help. I want to become a hero. A true hero."

"Sorry, kid, can't help ya." All Might turned away and walked back to his cabin, slamming the door.

"Wait!" Izuku called after him and grabbed the handle of the wooden door. All Might whipped his head to the entrance to see Izuku holding a broken door.

"Sorry.." Izuku mumbled. Laying the door on the side of the house. "Uh, why not?"

"Two words, I am retired."

𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐢. 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚Where stories live. Discover now