Chapter 15

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"Leigh-Anne" Jade whispered, calling Leigh-Anne who was balled up in blankets, fast asleep in her parents bed.

Perrie whispered something in Jade's ear.

"Can I? Are you sure?"

"Only if you're comfortable. Are you comfortable?" Jade thought about it before nodding with a smile.

"Go for it"

"I don't want her to yell at me"

"She won't yell at you. Here's the last place you have to worry about that. Her mama and daddy are quite stern, they'll get on her."

"Even though she's an adult and a mommy to her own baby?"

"Yes. She's still their baby, no matter how old she gets. She's never too old to get in trouble with her mama and daddy." Jade took the opportunity, knowing she couldn't get in trouble at her grandma and papa's house.


"Don't be afraid." Perrie was praying that her wife didn't snap on Jade. She's been having some little angry outbursts but she did have a nap so Perrie wasn't too worried.

"Mommy?" Jade's voice began to shake a bit as she got closer.

"Leigh-Anne?" She called when she saw Leigh-Anne shift. She was too afraid to call her mommy to her face, although she wanted to. Jesy called Perrie and Leigh-Anne mommy and mama. She wanted to too, but she was afraid that she was too old.



"Wake up"

"What?" She groaned, pulling the blankets over her head.

"The girls are back. Say hi and then you can lay back down."

"I'm too tired"

"Leigh-Anne?" Leigh-Anne sat up looking at Jade. Her glare softened when she saw the puffy eyed teen. She sat up brushing her messy hair out of her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked, motioning to the brace splint thing on her arm and around her chest.

"Yes, now that you and Perrie are here. Can I hug you please?" Jade was starting to get closer to Leigh-Anne but she was still a bit hesitant at times.

Perrie smiled when Leigh-Anne sat up and opened her arms. She hugged Jade and the teen sat in her lap.

"I'm sorry to ruin your vacation."

"You should be, you're lucky I like you"

"You do!?"



"She likes you babe. She loves you. She just doesn't know how to show proper affection yet."

"Yes I do" Perrie gave her wife a knowing look. If anything, Leigh-Anne took about fifty steps back since they met. They used to go on dates and do romantic things and now she just shoves name brand bags and clothes in her closet and beg her to stop working so she could have her all to herself.

"I do, see" She kissed Jade's cheek making Jade flush. Leigh-Anne has never hugged or kissed her.

"Why are you turning red, don't make it weird" Leigh-Anne pushed Jade out of her lap, and Perrie stood by the edge of the bed to make sure Jade didn't fall and further injure her arm.

"You were doing so well. Be gentle. Her arm is in a splint. Be cautious."

"Sorry, Jade"

Jade and Perrie stared at Leigh-Anne. Who was this person?

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