Episode 07: Fall and Love in Paris

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(Spring of 2020)
Determined to pursue her passion, Jeon-ee decided to enrol for college in France – majoring in Fine Arts. She was excited to embark in this new journey, but she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of leaving Korea, after all, it's her homeland, and she's leaving everyone behind – including her parent.

(Arrival in France – At Paris Int'l. Airport)
Jeon-ee, finished off some immigration questionings and enters the bustling Paris airport. She looks around, slightly overwhelmed by the new environment.

"...Everything is so different here,.. I hope I can find my way,.." – Jeon-ee, while mumbling to herself.

With her luggage in tow, she tries to navigate her way through the airport, struggling to understand the signs and announcements in French.

(Apartment Arrival – At the Lobby)
She arrives at her apartment building and meets the owner, hey struggle to communicate as Jeon-ee doesn't speak French, and the owner doesn't speak English. They resort to gestures and a translation app to understand each other; "...Ough~ ,... 잠깐만요 (jamkkanmanyo) "wait a moment" – she full out her phone to check on the translation app.

"... (Using translation app) I'm Jeon-ee, the new tenant at Room A-08(?), I made a reservation via email, here's my receipt, (she then handed the printed papers to the owner)... Nice to meet you,.."; after some confusion, she finally gets the keys to her apartment room.

She put down her things, lift the curtains and looked around the over-looking view of the city – Paris; definitely a new territory – and she must survive this. (*sigh)

(The next day – At the supermarket)
Jeon-ee walks through the aisles of a local French supermarket, trying to find the supplies she needs. She struggles to read the labels and understand the different products. Frustrated, she pulls out her phone and uses a translation app to help her navigate the store.

"...What does this even mean?,.." – she uttered with frustration, but with determination, she slowly fills her shopping cart with the necessary items.

Meanwhile, on the same isle of the supermarket, a Korean-man standing from a far shopping for his own supplies. He moves through the aisles with ease, having become accustomed to living in France.

"... (On phone) Yeah, I'm just picking up a few things,.." – he said.

On the man's perspective, he sees this young Korean lady in the distance (Jeon-ee), tip-toe-ing, struggling to reach an item on a high shelf. He starts to move towards her, intending to help, but is distracted by a phone call. By the time he finishes his call and looks up, but Jeon-ee has moved to another aisle – so he moved on with his cart, and left; that man is Noh Kang Joon.

(First Day – At he Parisian University)
Jeon-ee, as a freshman, navigates the maze-like university campus. She feels overwhelmed but determined to find her way. Spotting a flyer for the Art Club, she decides to apply, hoping to find a sense of belonging in this new environment.

Jeon-ee fills out the application form, her hands shaking with a mix of excitement and nervousness; she submits the form over the window of the Art Club HQ, forgetting to attach her photo. She then carry on with her first day of school.

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